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Private Land Conservation

In the University of New Mexico School of Law’s Natural Resources Journal, PERC scholars examine the Valles Caldera Trust and other examples of voluntary stewardship.

Published on: April 1, 2004

Averting Water Disputes: A Southeastern Case Study

With abundant rainfall, the southeastern United States has rarely experienced conflicts over the allocation of water. But that is changing. As population grows, the demand for water grows, and when periodic drought occurs, disputes can result.

Published on: March 10, 2004

Slamming the Door on Low-Income People?

[…] This conclusion has been reported since the 1960s. In fact, income is the biggest determinant of whether a family chooses to travel in the first place. A study of 3,000 Texas residents found that those with incomes of more than $20,000 per year were 60 percent more likely than lower-income residents to participate in […]

Published on: March 1, 2004

Trouble In The Forest

This selection from a new book reveals some unintended consequences of environmental laws.

Published on: March 1, 2004

Facing The Unknown

[…] of laboratory scientists to produce lung tumors in laboratory animals exposed by inhalation. It took large-scale statistical studies of smokers to resolve the issue, including a large-scale study of the health of British physicians. In each of these examples (tobacco, lead, and asbestos), epidemiology, not the experimental sciences, played the pivotal role in identifying […]

Published on: March 1, 2004

Economic Report of the President – 2004

[…] and their existence in a free market can lead to inefficient outcomes; that is, outcomes that fail to maximize the net benefits to society. For example, a plant might produce and sell a good to a consumer to both their advantage, but the production process may result in emissions of air pollutants that negatively […]

Published on: February 1, 2004

Soaring High

[…] on foundations and individuals for its $2.3 million annual budget. Its priorities include reform of schools’ environmental curricula, which often consist more of crude indoctrination than serious study of an extremely complex subject; an annual conference for journalists to alert them to interesting new ideas in the environmental arena; and a month-long environmental leadership […]

Published on: January 1, 2004

Invasion of Alien Species

[…] arrival of the West Nile virus), the negatives are not the whole story. The invasive species issue shares the lopsided treatment given global warming. A complete balance sheet would note that many introduced species, including invasives, have had economic and social benefits. In fact, many species, like kudzu (used for erosion control in the […]

Published on: December 1, 2003

A Taste Of Mexico

[…] In 2002, La Selva won a competition sponsored by the World Resources Institute that connects small investors with sustainable businesses. The prize was assistance with a business plan from graduate students in business as well as consulting services from the firm of Booz Allen Hamilton. Cafe La Selva has opened a shop in Atlanta. […]

Published on: December 1, 2003