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Regulation by Litigation: The Diesel Engine Episode

This paper discusses a new form of regulation. Rather than issuing rules, some government agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, have started to file lawsuits.

Published on: September 9, 2002


[…] environmental groups for charismatic speciesÑthe peregrine falcon, the wolf. Why shouldnÕt the idea be extended to the population at large and the broader array of less dramatic plants and animals? Pope seems sincerely open to ideasÑhis support of this idea would be valuable. Fred L. Smith, Jr. President, Competitive Enterprise Institute Washington, DC   […]

Published on: September 1, 2002

Computer Career

[…] processes 200 tons of equipment every month, with most of it coming from big banks and credit card companies. At first, he hauled the equipment away for free, but now the companies pay him. Once at his warehouse, the computers are stripped of all their useful parts, and the glass, metal, and plastic go […]

Published on: September 1, 2002

Individual Fishing Quotas:

Last week, the Pacific Fisheries Management Council announced it will prohibit fishing in major sectors of the groundfish fishery along the Pacific Coast. Donald Leal explains how individual fishing quotas (IFQs) can solve the overfishing dilemma.

Published on: June 25, 2002

Why did the Greens Win?

Five people share their views. Free market environmentalists wonder why their message sometimes falls on deaf ears.

Published on: June 1, 2002

Why is the West Always Burning Down?

[…] is the West always burning down?” For those of us who live here, it is an exasperating question because we already know the answer. The simple ex planation is that millions of acres of national forest land throughout the West are stoked with fuel, and dry as tinder from a long drought and higher […]

Published on: June 1, 2002

Fencing the Fishery

DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT “Most U.S. fisheries’ stocks are facing disaster,” says Zeke Grader, Jr., of Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations. Since 1999, seven species of groundfish off Washington, Oregon, and northern California have been declared overfished by the National Marine Fisheries Service. So have several crab stocks off Alaska’s Bering Sea. […]

Published on: June 1, 2002

Banking on Organics

[…] invested millions of dollars in other projects. He rehabilitated the depleted soil, developed an irrigation system of ponds and water channels, removed dead and diseased trees, and planted thousands of new trees and hundreds of varieties of fruits and vegetables. Life on the farm is purring along as smooth as can be. While a […]

Published on: June 1, 2002