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Free Market Environmentalism

PERC has created a syllabus to aid the inclusion of free market environmental ideas in to traditional environmental economics and policy curricula.

Published on: September 1, 2001

Lessons of the Springs

[…] soaks. No such limits are needed by the private facilities. This also means that the Bath House does not have to serve the customer in order to obtain its funds. Third, the State Bath House follows a typical regulatory β€œone-size-fits-all” approach. Because bureaucrats determined that β€œmost” people should not stay in the hot water […]

Published on: September 1, 2001

Common Law and Environmental Protection

[…] law nations. Mahoney is then able to show that these specific attributes of common law nations have been translated into better economic performance. In particular, over the study period from 1960 to 1992, he shows that, even after controlling for other key growth-determining factors, such as initial education levels, economic growth in common law […]

Published on: September 1, 2001

Hog Hygiene

After years of bitter wrangles over the stench coming from large hog farms, a Tulsa inventor says he has found a cost-effective method to stem the odor of animal waste. Not only does it reduce the odor to a virtual trace, but it also eliminates water pollution and lowers the disease rate for the […]

Published on: September 1, 2001

The National Forests: For Whom and for What?

"The nation finds itself struggling with forest management systems that do not work," says Roger Sedjo, a Senior Fellow with the Washington, D.C.-based research organization Resources for the Future. "The future management of the national forests is unlikely to be smooth, because no political consensus exists."

Published on: July 20, 2001

The Caribou Question

[…] summer. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game studied caribou movements from 1975Ð1978 in the Prudhoe Bay region. Individual caribou were collared and their movements tracked. The study found a higher percentage of bulls near the road system. Away from the roads there was no significant difference in the percentages of bull and cow […]

Published on: June 1, 2001

Heirloom Apples: A Market Taste?

[…] apple types at Applesource, a producer offering home delivery of 75 varieties. The owner, Tom Vorbeck, lists on his Web site 43 kinds of apples suited for planting in central Illinois ( Tree-Mendus Fruit and Skyline Orchards ( in Michigan offer the public 200 varieties. Growers can find cuttings of old varieties at the […]

Published on: June 1, 2001

Pesticides and Property Rights

Two PERC researchers, reviewing the history of the banned pesticide DDT, have concluded that violation of private property rights lies at the heart of the conflict over DDT.

Published on: May 1, 2001

Is No Use Good Use?

Americans are on the fast track to land preservation as more and more federal land is set aside at an increasingly rapid pace. Now is the time to pause and ask if locking up great expanses of land provides the good stewardship that we want for our public lands.

Published on: May 1, 2001