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Changes in Attitude

Comments from PERC friends and acquaintances. Noting twenty years of market approaches.

Published on: December 1, 2000

War Against the States

[…] Report of Audit: Brownfields: Potential for Urban Revitalization. E1SHF8-11-0005-8100091. Washington, DC: EPA, Office of Inspector General, March 27. โ€”. 1999. Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative. Quick Reference Fact Sheet, 500- F-99-303, December. Fields, Timothy. 2000. Prepared Testimony of Timothy Fields, Jr., Assistant Administrator Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, EPA. Congressional Hearing of Senate […]

Published on: December 1, 2000

Is Free Market Environmentalism “Mainstream”?

This essay explains how the well-accepted principles that explain market behavior and underlie prosperity also explain environmental problems and offer ways to solve them.

Published on: December 1, 2000

The Greening of Foreign Policy

[…] popular โ€˜greenโ€™ causes write Terry L. Anderson and J. Bishop Grewell in The Greening of Foreign Policy. They contend that long-term environmental quality is best served by freeing up trade and decentralizing environmental decisions. If an environmental problem can be handled internally, there is no need for international regulations that encourage encroachment on sovereign […]

Published on: December 1, 2000

Critical Thinking About Environmental Issues

A new series of books for young people, offers objective and balanced discussions of controversial issues such as global warming, endangered species, and pesticides.

Published on: December 1, 2000

A Blueprint for Environmental Education

[…] first published in Liberal Education, in which he sets out to discredit Rush Limbaughโ€™s views of environmental issues and comes away with a more complete understanding; โ€œIs Free Market Environmentalism โ€˜Mainstreamโ€™?โ€ Terry L. Anderson and Jane S. Shawโ€™s discussion of current views about market approaches to environmental issues; โ€œEnvironmental Protection and Markets,โ€ Richard Stroupโ€™s […]

Published on: December 1, 2000

In Farmers and Ranchers Do We Trust?

[…] developed urban centers? This seems to be the case. This set of nine lessons is designed to help middle and high school teachers address controversial environmental issues within the agricultural sector. They help students understand the incentives facing agricultural decision makers as they make choices about food production and the environment. Download a sample lesson.

Published on: December 1, 2000

Excessive Claims For the Market

[…] the Arctic peregrine falcon and the bald eagle. Instead he credits the DDT banโ€™another case of โ€˜command-and-controlโ€™ legislation. Economists Crandall and Graham (1989), working from a 1984 study that correlated car mass with occupant fatality, have claimed that fuel economy regulations increased fatalities because auto manufacturers reduced vehicle weight and therefore safety. But their […]

Published on: September 1, 2000

Clearing The Air

[…] pollution fit the model. They make virtually no reference to empirical data on air quality or emissions estimates. Without such data, any conclusion logically arrived at is valid so long as it does not contravene any laws of nature. The writer is constrained only by his or her imagination in dreaming up โ€˜whatifs.โ€™ Empirical […]

Published on: September 1, 2000