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The Rise of the Enviro-Capitalists

[…] salmon runs by raising the water temperature and reducing the currents that carry young fish to the Pacific Ocean. While the federal government spent billions of dollars studying the problem it created, Mr. Willey negotiated a trade between Skyline Farms of Washington state and the Bonneville Power Administration. Skyline Farms will relinquish diversion rights […]

Published on: August 26, 1997

Nature’s Entrepreneurs

Enviro-Capitalists catalogues concrete examples of entrepreneurs who contract with private property owners to improve environmental quality.

Published on: August 1, 1997

Avoiding the Ax

[…] and Central America, Southeast Asia, and Africa as a classic example of the need to rely on the government to protect the environment from the ravages of free enterprise. But recent research suggests that the government’s failure to define and enforce secure property rights is a key element of the problem. In a series […]

Published on: August 1, 1997

Don Leal on Self-Supporting National Parks

[…] receipts flow into a park fund that carries over unspent park monies from year to year. This encourages self-sufficiency because park officials know that they have a reliable source of money dedicated to parks over the long term. Prior to the 1990s, over 60 percent of Texas State Parks’ operating budget was funded out […]

Published on: July 1, 1997

Back to the Future to Save Our Parks

[…] let receipts flow into a park fund that carries over unspent park monies from year to year. This encourages self-sufficiency because park officials know they have a reliable source of money dedicated to parks over the long term. In addition to operations, some major maintenance and capital improvements are now being financed through park […]

Published on: June 1, 1997

Priming the Invisible Pump

Rain and snow may be falling today, but throughout the world, people continually fear the threat of water shortages. Is there too little water for the world's growing population? Are we running out of water?

Published on: February 1, 1997

Winter Kill in Yellowstone

[…] or animal groups. In Arizona the International Society for Protection of Mustangs and Burros has purchased 331 acres of land where it houses excess wild horses it plans to build ~ visitors’ center, library and museum to attract paying tourists. Similar action could be taken for Montana s bison if groups could purchase brucellosis-free […]

Published on: January 28, 1997

Parks in Transition

This sketch of 27 state parks systems between 1980 and 1994, offers a brief look at the physical characteristics of each park system, its amenities and programs, visitation, fees and funding sources. A companion to the PERC Policy Series: Back to the Future to Save Our Parks, it examines the feasibility of creating self-sufficient […]

Published on: January 1, 1997

Environmental Federalism

Terry L. Anderson and Peter J. Hill, Editors Twenty-five years of centralization has produced β€œone-size-fits-all” environmental regulations which are extremely costly. While recognizing that most externalities cross state boundaries, the authors argue that most problems can be solved at the state or local level and consider a range of resource issues, including land, water, […]

Published on: January 1, 1997