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Water Marketing–The Next Generation

[…] central Arizona project, the Edwards aquifer in Texas, and the Tar-Pamlico Sound in North Carolina. Water Marketing provides insightful public policy alternatives that will stimulate a rethinking of traditional policies as they relate to water. CONTRIBUTORS: Henry Butler Peter Emerson Jeffrey Fuller David Haddock Charles Howe James Huffman Jonathan Macey David Riggs Gary Sturgess […]

Published on: January 1, 1997

Breaking the Environmental Policy Gridlock

[…] the political spectrum. The contributions to this volume demonstrate how the principles of fiscal responsibility and individual accountability that have been applied to economic and social policies–essentially free market principles–can be applied successfully to environmental policy. The authors offer common-sense reforms as a starting point, all based on the compelling arguments that a new […]

Published on: January 1, 1997

Environmental Federalism: Thinking Smaller

Change is in the air. After a century of growing national control, Americans are rethinking the role of the federal government vis-Γ -vis the states. This reconsideration has led to welfare reform and to a nationwide debate over education. Now it is beginning to focus on environmental policy, too.

Published on: December 1, 1996

Conservation Native American Style

Over the past three decades, the environmental movement has promoted a view of American Indians as the "original conservationists"β€”that is, "people so intimately bound to the land that they have left no mark upon it."

Published on: July 1, 1996

Superfund: The Shortcut That Failed

[…] around Love Canal, an abandoned waste site in Niagara Falls, New York, found chemicals leaking into their homes. Crude health studies suggested that the chemicals might have caused serious diseases and genetic problems. The State of New York declared a public health emergency. Soon, Love Canal, "toxic waste," and "ticking time bombs" became household words.

Published on: May 1, 1996

Greener Pastures

Private protection of the environment is all around us, but it often goes unnoticed. Since our beginning, PERC has worked to showcase the private efforts that preserve in the public interest.

Published on: February 19, 1996

The Privatization Process:

The Privatization Process: A Worldwide Perspective Terry L. Anderson and Peter J. Hill, Editors Many economies are actively engaging in rapid privatization of state assets using a variety of procedures, some successful and some not. In this volume, several noted authorities on institutions and institutional reform analyze the prerequisites for successful privatization, the path […]

Published on: January 1, 1996

A Better Way to Manage Wildlife

[…] regulations typically do so. But public agencies’ budgets and political support depend on a broad-based constituency. To maintain this constituency, state agencies keep license fees low, encourage free access, and–to ensure some degree of hunter satisfaction–manage for large herds. (The number of elk in most western states is higher than at the turn of […]

Published on: December 20, 1995

How the Government Keeps Indians in Poverty

[…] in trust by the BIA (tribal trust land). The land that is privately owned is far more productive than the other two categories of tenure. Indeed, a study of agricultural land on a large cross-section of Western reservations indicates that tribal trust land is 80% to 90% less productive than privately owned land. Individual […]

Published on: November 22, 1995