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Good Neighbor Authority

[…] agreement with Forest Service Region 1 in 2016. Montana gained the authority to assist with and lead on projects on Forest Service lands in the state, including planning, restoration, and timber sales. In return, Montana receives a share of timber revenues or direct federal compensation for conducting the forest work. The goal was to […]

Published on: December 3, 2021

Elk Occupancy Agreement Pioneers Private Conservation of Elk Habitat

[…] general public will benefit as the landowner sets aside an area that historically wintered elk for the benefit of elk and other wildlife.  What is the management plan? The landowner will keep cattle out of the fenced area unless necessary to avoid undue economic hardship or to address an excessive amount of old grass […]

Published on: November 29, 2021

Transferable Landowner Hunting Permits in Montana

[…] on the landowner’s property. This is already stipulated for non-transferable permits in Contractual Public Elk Hunting Access Agreements, but permits drawn through the Landowner Preference Program are valid throughout the hunting district a landowner owns property in. Updating both programs to allow for transferable landowner permits that apply only to the recipient’s property ensures […]

Published on: November 9, 2021

A Market Solution for Hunting Access

[…] understandably don’t want to open their gates to every Joe Schmoe with a rifle. And while most hunters respect property rights, no hunter can spend all their free time knocking on landowners’ doors asking for permission to hunt. It’s a classic problem of supply and demand. How can the demanders of wildlife (hunters) connect […]

Published on: November 5, 2021

Getting Bureaucrats Out of the Way of Forest Management

[…] on the ground. Montana leaders should proactively identify ways to work across these boundaries, such as with the Montana Prescribed Fire Council proposed in the Montana Forest Action Plan, to facilitate and coordinate prescribed burns. In designating a group to understand, navigate, and propose streamlined approaches for conducting burns across landscapes and jurisdictions, Montana can […]

Published on: October 28, 2021

Fireproofing America’s Forests

Restoration projects can lessen the severity of wildfires—but bureaucratic red tape too often gets in the way.

Published on: October 28, 2021

Tending National Parks: What would you pay?

Watch PERC’s latest short film that explores how user fees can empower park visitors to directly contribute to the care and maintenance of our national parks.

Published on: October 12, 2021