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Allow “Nonuse Rights” to Conserve Natural Resources

[…] acquisition of public natural resource rights for the purpose of withholding them from development should be allowed. Policies should be reformed to include conservation as a legally valid form of “use.” Allowing such “nonuse rights” to public natural resources would enable markets to advance environmental goals, leading to more stable and less contentious outcomes. […]

Published on: August 27, 2021

Climate Change Isn’t the Only Reason for Wildfire

[…] has disrupted natural fire cycles and birthed a debt of fuel. To foster more resilient forests and healthier fire cycles, forest restoration must be prioritized. According to a study led by Forest Service scientists, climate change accounts for just 14 percent of the influence on more destructive wildfires. The report further notes that live fuel […]

Published on: August 20, 2021

Pushing for Civilian Climate Corps Highlights Underlying Obstacles to Restoring Public Lands

[…] the conservation tasks facing public lands, leveraging the private sector will be crucial, whether through partnerships that increase capacity to restore public forestland or concessioner models that save federal dollars and free agencies to focus on mission-specific work. Establishing a new corps program will not resolve fundamental obstacles that hinder broad conservation and restoration work. Efforts to expand […]

Published on: July 26, 2021

Public Comment on American Prairie Reserve Bison Grazing

Allowing APR to graze privately-owned bison on its federal allotments respects APR’s rights and, ultimately, honors all landowners’ rights to exercise their grazing privileges while promoting the health of federal lands. 

Published on: July 22, 2021

Harnessing the Heat Beneath Our Feet

How lessons from the shale oil revolution could help us access geothermal energy—and provide clean power—virtually anywhere on the planet.

Published on: July 19, 2021