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The Irreplaceable Leigh H. Perkins

[…] hunting lodge. Nestled among the piney woods in North Florida, Mays Pond was exactly thatβ€”a humble lodge, inconspicuous, like its owner, in a region known for its plantation manors and estates. When we met that January morning to hunt quail, he offered me a cup of coffee and then proceeded to make the cowboy […]

Published on: July 19, 2021


Examples of free market environmentalism in action.

Published on: July 19, 2021

A Strong Start for America the Beautiful

As a starting point, the preliminary principles of the America the Beautiful campaign focus on collaboration, voluntary efforts, incentives, local leadership, and honoring property rights.

Published on: May 19, 2021

Fix America’s Forests: Reforms to Restore National Forests and Tackle the Wildfire Crisis

[…] of stakeholders can resolve conflict and lessen expenses, delays, and litigation. The lack of markets for small-diameter woody materials reduces the economic viability of restoration projects. Without reliable supply and long-term contracts, the investment and innovation needed to make forest restoration profitable may not occur. Being a Good Neighbor to States, Tribes, and Communities […]

Published on: April 12, 2021