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What Does β€œSustainability” Mean?

[…] as climate change, drought, and other issues. Today is Sustainability Day, a day to think about what sustainability can mean. Is recycling sustainable?Β  Can resilience help us adapt to climate change? Free market environmentalism, Terry Anderson explains, is about respecting each other’s rights as we plan for the future. What is more sustainable than that?Β 

Published on: October 28, 2015

2015 Enviropreneur of the Year

Engineer Bryse Gaboury is delivering affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy to thousands of Indonesian households and communities.

Published on: October 27, 2015

Reaction: Letters regarding Dave Foreman’s essay

The March 1996 issue of PERC Reports included an essay by Earth First! co-founder Dave Foreman. Several letters to the editor expressed gratitude, others suggested we’d been wrong to provide a platform for a radical activist. We compiled several of the letters to highlight the debate.

Published on: October 22, 2015

Am I a Free Market Environmentalist?

Perhaps best known for co-founding EarthFirst!, Dave Foreman explores the role of property rights and voluntary agreements in protecting and restoring the ecological richness of North America.

Published on: October 22, 2015

Tapping Water Markets in a Dry State

What changes are needed to help make California’s water supplies more sustainable over the long term and better able to respond to periods of drought? Reed Watson joined a panel of experts offering policy recommendations in The Environmental Forum.

Published on: October 20, 2015