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National Public Lands Day 2015

As more Americans realize our public land managers are struggling to protect our natural resources, PERC offers practical solutions to help protect our land, water, and wildlife.

Published on: September 25, 2015

Hitting a Brick Wall

[…] taxpayer subsidies. In addition, the concessionaire pays the public agency a concession fee. The resulting savings to taxpayers can be quite compelling. In a recent PERC case study, I showed how a parks agency had to supplement every dollar in visitor fees with an equal amount of tax dollars to keep a park open. […]

Published on: September 15, 2015

Franchising Parks

[…] with a maintenance backlog estimated at nearly $11.5 billion, congressional appropriations relatively flat, and unwieldy concession operations, fiscal fitness should be a key aspect of any long-range planning by the agency. From the perspective of one of the workshop’s presenters, Holly Fretwell, the Park Service appears to be an inefficient agency that likely could […]

Published on: September 8, 2015

Oregon Program Could Reduce Traffic Congestion While Making Gas Taxes a Thing of the Past

[…] mile driven. To better tackle congestion in the future, policymakers could also increase OReGO’s per-mile fee during peak hours and reduce it during off-peak times. Such a plan would thin out congestion by encouraging people to make careful decisions about when they drive. OReGO could solve one of the most serious environmental and financial […]

Published on: August 27, 2015

National Parks Centennial Issue of PERC Reports

As the National Park Service turns 100, creative solutions and responsible policies are needed. This issue of PERC Reports is devoted to exploring some of those ideas.

Published on: July 27, 2015