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[…] rights issues to consider. Because fractures are necessary to crack the rocks and release the oil and gas, the chance of trespass seems endemic. A fracture could easily extend across a property line and access neighboring resources. And although unconventional reservoirs are less permeable than conventional reservoirs, the oil and gas resources are still […]

Published on: January 5, 2015

PERC’s Top Ten Media Hits in 2014

As the sun sets on 2014, we’ve assembled our ten favorite media appearances from this past year. With your continued support, we plan to make even greater strides in 2015. Here’s to a happy new year!

Published on: December 31, 2014

The Next Generation

As free market environmentalism becomes more mainstream, PERC continues to evolve.

Published on: December 22, 2014

The War on Wildlife Trade

[…] that by reopening a limited legal ivory carving industry in China, the oneoff sale confused the market and provided cover for illegal ivory to be sold more easilyโ€”the so-called โ€œlaunderingโ€ argument. The only sensible option now, they argue, is to ban all ivory trade worldwide, not only between countries but also within countries. Extreme […]

Published on: December 16, 2014

Free Market Environmentalism in Action

Free Market Environmentalism (FME)ย focuses on improving environmental quality using property rights and markets. It emphasizes three important points: Markets, property rights, and the rule of law are fundamental to economic growth, and economic growth is fundamental to improving environmental quality. Property rights make the environment an asset rather than a liability by giving […]

Published on: December 9, 2014

New Issue of PERC Reports

This special issue of PERC Reports is dedicated to PERCโ€™s Lone Mountain Fellows. In our cover story, Michael ‘t Sas-Rolfes explores the war on wildlife trade and offers insights from his recent research at PERC.

Published on: December 8, 2014

Coal Exports and Climate Change

[…] electricity from coal-fired generation units. During each of the past ten years, China built more than the installed generation capacity of Californiaโ€”approximately 60 gigawattsโ€”in new coal-fired power plants. These generation facilities have a useful life of more than 30 years, so Chinaโ€™s demand for coal is unlikely to decline in the foreseeable future. Although […]

Published on: December 8, 2014

Environmental Entrepreneurship: now in paperback

From Africa and South America, to China and the American West, Laura Huggins visits some of the poorest parts of the world to illustrate how local entrepreneurs enhance environmental quality and create wealth. Her book, Environmental Entrepreneurship, is now available in paperback.

Published on: November 6, 2014

Endangering the Endangered

While the Endangered Species Act has led to habitat destruction, private solutions give us reason to be hopeful. In South Africa’s Wildlife Ranching magazine, Terry Anderson explains how Texan ranchers brought the scimitar-horned oryx back from the brink of extinction.

Published on: November 4, 2014