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Voices of Montana: PERC

Listen as Aaron Flint of “Voices of Montana” talks with Reed Watson, P.J. Hill, Shawn Regan, and Laura Huggins about free market environmentalism.

Published on: March 26, 2014

Regulating Our Way to Prosperity

With central planners promising such extraordinary economic returns from regulation, what could possibly go wrong?

Published on: March 19, 2014

PERC Announces Reed Watson as Executive Director

[…] that PERC’s Board of Directors appointed my colleague and co-author Lawrence Reed Watson as our new executive director, effective February 15. Reed attended PERC’s undergraduate seminar on free market environmentalism in 2004 and returned as a research intern the next year. Hooked on PERC’s ideas, he left for Duke University where he received a […]

Published on: February 27, 2014

Bringing Bison Back to the Badlands

The Park Service wants another large buffalo herd in the Great Plains, which would advance the Department of the Interior’s Bison Conservation Initiative. In what may be a huge opportunity for the Oglala Sioux, a Tribal National Park is emerging in South Dakotaβ€”the first of its kind.

Published on: February 24, 2014

Can Congress Learn to Fish?

Many environmental problems are exaggerated. The threats facing marine fisheries, however, are quite real. There is a growing consensus among fishery experts that greater reliance on private-property rights can prevent overfishing and ensure sustainability.

Published on: February 21, 2014

Unlocking the Wealth of Indian Nations: Overcoming Obstacles to Tribal Energy Development

[…] host of regulations are making the reliability of this revenue source uncertain. In 2013, the Environmental Protection Agency issued strict limits on emissions from new coal-fired power plants, and the agency is planning more regulations for existing coal plants. The regulations are considered tough enough to prevent any new coal plants from being built […]

Published on: February 18, 2014

The Hidden Politics of the Light Bulb Ban

On the January 15 show, PERC’s Shawn Regan discussed the political origins of the incandescent light bulb ban with Detroit’s personality and radio show host Frank Beckmann.

Published on: January 15, 2014

Celebrating Aldo Leopold’s 127th Birthday

[…] spent more time focusing on ethical obligations. Β Yet, even as he submitted his land ethic to the public, he wore the hat of the private property owner planting trees around his β€œshack” in Wisconsin. Leopold was ahead of his time in coming to the realization that incentives are more effective when they come in […]

Published on: January 9, 2014

Lights Out For America’s Favorite Light Bulb

Originally appeared at on January 7, 2014. Happy New Year, America! Your favorite light bulb is now illegal. Well, sort of. As of January 1, U.S. businesses can no longer manufacture or import β€œgeneral service” incandescent bulbsβ€”the most popular light bulbs in America. Consumers can still buy and use them while supplies last, […]

Published on: January 7, 2014

Moving Toward a Māori Tribal Economy

Te Maire Tau, a member of the Māori in New Zealand, discusses how their tribe is fighting to reinstate indigenous rights to own property and build an economy. Tau says that tribal groups must actively shape the legislation that defines their economic future. Tau is director of the Ngāi Tahu Research Centre at the […]

Published on: December 13, 2013