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The Montana Ethic: Free Market Environmentalism

VIDEO: Terry Anderson explains how his Montana roots led to the development of free market environmentalism, which is about finding a way to respect one another’s rights and then cooperate.

Published on: April 24, 2013

Reconciling Ecology and Economics: August 2013

[…] them going and whether in both cases, the interplay of multiple elements and intricate systems of feedback loops maintain a delicate, yet robust balance absent any central planning. There have been some reading changes and session reorganization based on the experience of the first conference. This event is closed to the public, and conference […]

Published on: April 16, 2013

Environment and Liberty Learn More

Few issues are more partisan than environmental policy. On the left, capitalism is seen as the catalyst for environmental problems, ranging from uncontrolled local development to global climate change. Economic benefits are assumed to always come with environmental costs. And for every such cost there is a political solution that calls for more government spending, […]

Published on: April 12, 2013

Stream Access Position Statement

Stream access is a confusing and controversial topic. PERC has waded into the stream access debate to provide a free market environmentalist perspective.

Published on: April 11, 2013

Jewell in the Rough?

[…] than environmental policy. Environmentalists on the left see economic success as the antithesis of environmental stewardship and conservatives on the right see environmental policies as hostile to free enterprise. Interior Secretary nominee Sally Jewell, however, sheds light on a more rewarding approach. Although politically unknown, Jewell is known for her business acumen as chief […]

Published on: April 3, 2013

Board Profile

Meet PERC’s Board Member Frank-Paul King! F-P visits his family ranch in Montana as often as he can. The ranch is near the old town of Cameron,β€”population 10β€”which consists of the Blue Moon Saloon and a post office.

Published on: April 2, 2013

Enviropreneur in Residence Program

[…] otherwise, using entrepreneurship to promote environmentalism. The Fellowship(s) include a cash stipend, office space and support, and a keen intellectual atmosphere in which to develop a business plan, commence operation of a new product or idea, take an incipient idea towards reality, or to otherwise promote enviropreneurism. The Fellowships are often awarded to individuals […]

Published on: April 1, 2013

Q&A with PERC Enviropreneur Jeremy Gingerich

Jeremy Gingerich, ranch manager of Banded Peak Ranch, discusses his experience at PERC’s Enviropreneur Institute and how creative conservation strategies are protecting open landscapes in the west.

Published on: March 5, 2013

A Tribute to Donald Leal

Research director and long-time PERC fellow Donald Leal is retiring this month after nearly 30 years at PERC. Leal is best known for his work on property rights in marine fisheries and his 1991 book with Terry Anderson, Free Market Environmentalism.

Published on: February 21, 2013