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Drink Dr. Pepper in Honor of World Wetlands Day

Saturday is World Wetlands Day. You could celebrate by cleaning up trash from a wetland or, if you donโ€™t like feel like slogging it out in swampy water, you could drink an ice-cold Dr. Pepper. Laura Huggins explains.

Published on: January 30, 2013

Global Environmental Governance

[…] as business associations scale to the corporate form, and (iii) corporate governance may thus rely more heavily on a type of assurance contract that, given its relatively weak reliance on monitoring and potentially stronger resistance to distributional interests, might also find productive applications in global environmental governance. To download the full article, please visit SSRN.

Published on: January 21, 2013

Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management District

[…] byย Richard Epsteinย and โ€” from a quite different perspective โ€”ย Richard Frank. One thing all would agree on, however, is that this could be a very important case โ€” easily the most important property rights case heard by the Roberts Court to date. UPDATE: The Pacific Legal Foundation represents the landowner in this case, and there […]

Published on: January 16, 2013

Greener Than Thou: Free Parking for Electric Cars

[…] before switching to gas. Then why buy? For the cheap parking, of course โ€“ at least according to Luu,ย who can park at LAX for a monthโ€™s length free of charge. So subsidized parking of electric vehicles seems to have been a success to increase their consumption. But what happens when so many people want […]

Published on: January 15, 2013

Remembering James M. Buchanan

James M. Buchanan, the Nobel laureate in economics and father of public choice theory, has passed away at the age of 93. Buchanan’s work formed the foundation for PERC’s early research on environmental issues.

Published on: January 9, 2013

The Right to Own Property on Reservations

Dubbed the โ€œFirst Nations Property Ownership Act,โ€ the legislation would allow Canadian bands (tribes as they are known in the United States) to vote on whether to give individual Indians the right to own their land as private property.

Published on: January 3, 2013

Sell Yosemite, Hold a Smithsonian Yard Sale?

[…] gas reserves. In 2008, the Congressional Budget Office projected federal revenues from these lands to be $10.5 billion. Using a 5% discount rate, the present value would easily exceed $200 billion. Then there are the crown jewels: national parks.ย Disneyย might pay many billions for the 2.2 million acres of Yellowstone. Throw in Yosemite, the Grand […]

Published on: January 2, 2013

Thank You From PERC!

With the help of our donors, PERC fellows are able to engage in research, produce books, articles, and studies that provide solutions to some of the toughest environmental problems in a manner that promotes a society of free and responsible individuals. The PERC staff would like to thank you for your investment!

Published on: December 26, 2012

โ€œGreenโ€ Wrapping Expensive Environmental Policies

[…] Nations Decade on Biodiversity, calls for conserving biodiversity are persistent. This goal appears reasonable, at least on its face. Who would argue against a wider variety of plants and animals increasing our chances for a life-saving drug in the future? It has, after all, happened before. As we think through this appeal, however, harder […]

Published on: December 19, 2012