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HabiHut At Your Doorstep

Living in the Korogocho slum, a small settlement onΒ the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya, is not easy. Think crowds,Β no running water or sanitation, minimal electricity, andΒ widespread crime. Furthermore, property rights are limited,Β at best, and most goods and income are amassed inΒ the underground marketplace. This Kenyan community resembles many othersΒ in the developing world. While developing societiesΒ seem […]

Published on: September 14, 2012

Elinor Ostrom: The Patron Saint of Enviropreneurs

[…] day in La Jolla, at the public WindanseaΒ Beach, I tried to catch a wave and sit on top of the world.Β I splashed into the β€œwild, open, and free” waves with theΒ Beach Boys’ β€œSurfin’ Safari” melody in my head. Minutes later I was chased out by surfer thugsΒ who left a far less pleasant ringing in […]

Published on: September 14, 2012

The Wealth of Indian Nations

[…] New Zealand. CreatingΒ these rights would offer both commercial and customary ocean users aΒ market to resolve conflict and promote more efficient uses of resources. This special issue of PERC Reports is made possible by the generousΒ support of the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust. PERC is continuallyΒ grateful for their investment in tribal issues and free market solutions.

Published on: September 14, 2012

Creating Economic Development on Indian Reservations

The lack of economic development on reservations is a major factor in creating the extreme poverty, unemployment, and the accompanying social issues that Indian nations face.

Published on: September 14, 2012

How Not to Label Biotech Foods

[…] precise breeding methods centuries ago. The organizers of the effort claim consumers have a β€œright to know” whether their foods contain GMOs. But nothing stops consumers from obtaining such information. Organic producers and others who wish to cater to those who dislike GMOs are free to label their products accordingly (and, in my view, […]

Published on: September 3, 2012

Cheetah Conservation

By the employment of dogs, farmers and conservationists are reducing both livestock lost to predation and cheetahs lost to predator control.

Published on: August 17, 2012

Private Investment and Road Pricing:

As part of PERC’s Free Market Environmentalism Workshop, “Financial Contracting, Transaction Costs, and Environmental Amenities,” Dr. Richard Geddes of Cornell University presents on congestion pricing.

Published on: August 14, 2012

Patron Saints of the Environmental Movement

As part of PERC’s Free Market Environmentalism Workshop, “Financial Contracting, Transaction Costs, and Environmental Amenities,” Dr. Jonathan Karpoff offers the keynote address highlighting Ronald Coase and environmental finance. Concluding Remarks.

Published on: August 14, 2012

The Promise of Environmental Finance

As part of PERC’s Free Market Environmentalism Workshop, “Financial Contracting, Transaction Costs, and Environmental Amenities,”Jonathan Klick of the University of Pennsylvania Law School offers a summary of the conference and closing remarks on the future of environmental finance.

Published on: August 10, 2012