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Tapping Water Markets

[…] the sprinklers are on, and the kids are filling the bathtub, few Americans are thinking about how much water they are consuming. Under the current subsidized system of water allocation, Americans only spend approximately $474 a year on water, a price that does not reflect its true scarcity value. In PERC’s latest video production […]

Published on: April 24, 2012

Sammy’s Suzuki

Maasai are incresaing their incomes by using a portion of their grazing land for wildlife viewing by tourists.

Published on: April 23, 2012

Scourge: IIlegal Aliens in our Midst

[…] will find its way of slowing Kudzu’s advance for nature abhors a monopoly. The real danger is our own stupidity: Whereas farmers could get federal money to plant kudzu in the 1940s, the same federal agency now helpfully offers to cost-share the application of aerial herbicides to kill it all. Kudzu will meet its […]

Published on: April 17, 2012

Silent Spring at 50: Reflections on an Environmental Classic

DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT Fifty years after the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, the book’s legacy is mixed. It helped raise awareness about the costs of mass spraying operations, but it also provided justification for campaigns against the use of DDT in malaria control programs, which contributed to the deaths of millions […]

Published on: April 11, 2012

At last, some bright spots in Indian country

[…] your favorite relatives to make land management decisions, and add bureaucratic red tape, and you can understand why these lands generate little revenue. Will the proposed reallocation plan help Indians? Research I conducted in the 1990s with Dean Lueck showed the value of agricultural output per acre on tribal lands is 85% less than […]

Published on: March 23, 2012

Where Free Markets Meet Faith

A contemporary breed of religious practitioners are working to combine faith and ecology in new ways.

Published on: March 22, 2012

How Can Cities Reverse Urban Sprawl, Increase Transit Use, Reduce Emissions?

[…] if policy makers rethink current land-use regulations; continue investments to reduce center city crime; and increase local public school quality. The authors also recommend areas for further study. This report addresses two primary goals. First, it generates new econometric results using several new micro and macro data sets to quantify how proximity to the […]

Published on: March 22, 2012

New book by PERC researchers: Tapping Water Markets

[…] are occurring and where and why markets are emerging to resolve water conflicts. Unlike other books that portray water wars as an inescapable reality of a crowded planet, Tapping Water MarketsΒ proposes institutional reforms aimed at fostering voluntary water exchange, conservation, and cooperation. The book containsΒ case studies from the United States and other parts of […]

Published on: March 12, 2012

Bringing market-based solutions underwater

[…] unique way. They see the prospect for cooperation where others see unsolvable conflict. They see unwritten contracts where others see unwritten regulations. They see new frontiers for free market environmentalism where others see only market failures. One such enviropreneur, Brett Howell, has taken a dive off Florida’s coast and is bringing market-based solutions […]

Published on: March 5, 2012

Tapping Water Markets

An exploration of where and why water shortages are occurring and where and why water markets are evolving to resolve conflicting water uses.

Published on: March 5, 2012