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The Underwater Enviropreneur

Enviropreneur Brett Howell is developing a market for coral reef restoration off of Florida’s coast.

Published on: March 1, 2012

Environmental Luddites

[…] safaris, and to other ranchers wanting wild stock for their land. As Michael β€˜t Sas-Rolfes points out in β€œSaving African Rhinos: A Market Success Story” (PERC Case Study), β€œStrong property rights and market incentives have provided a successful model for rhino conservation, despite the negative impact of command-and-control approaches that rely on regulations and […]

Published on: March 1, 2012

The ark in dry dock

[…] Professor Adler says 47 were delisted of which nine went extinct as of August 2009. Defenders cite the avoidance of outright extinctions. Again, Adler cites a 1999 study which estimated that the ESA prevented just 192 domestic extinctions during its first 26 years or, using the same methodology, 227 species in the first thirty […]

Published on: March 1, 2012

The Secret Life of Trees: How Pens Are Preserving Old-Growth Forests

When Dave Wager feels a tree, he gets a glimpse into the past. As we trudge through a forest in the mountains of western Montana, the extent of this history becomes apparent. Surrounding us is a tall stand of ponderosa pines, their thick, red bark attesting to their age, which Wager estimates to be […]

Published on: March 1, 2012

Nature’s styrofoam

[…] treatment process to stop growth and ensure there will be no spores and related allergen concerns. Now they are ready to protect products loaded on trucks, trains, planes, ships, or even a wagon. Nature has supplied the raw materials as well as most of the energy to produce the product. Known as EcoCradle Packaging, […]

Published on: March 1, 2012

The mobile bazaar: connecting farmers to markets

[…] and eveningβ€”with closing prices and a prediction for the next day’s prices. Farmers could sign up for the service at the market or by calling a toll free number. Representatives from the new service would then visit the farmer’s village, collect detailed information on the crop, and soon messages on market prices were on […]

Published on: March 1, 2012