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Bye, bye bison

[…] industrial belts, bison hides were a good substitute for cattle hides. Second, while the bison hunt had a profound impact on the American Plains, the harvest was easily absorbed by the massive European market, where cattle hides outnumbered bison hides by 25 to 1. The stable price of hides, combined with the fact that, […]

Published on: March 1, 2012

A Market to Conserve

[…] that it will demonstrate the value of whales both dead and alive. Those opposed to whaling can purchase share quotas to hold or retire. Commercial whalers can purchase quotas for harvest. The policy would free resources for investment in whale management and conservation rather than demagoguery and the black market. Originally posted at Environmental Trends.

Published on: January 30, 2012

The President’s Agency Consolidation Proposal

[…] was in error. What the President is, in fact, proposing is to consolidate multiple business-related agencies, including the SBA, into a single agency. As theΒ White House fact sheetΒ explains: Currently, there are six major departments and agencies that focus primarily on business and trade in the federal government. The six are: U.S. Department of Commerce’s […]

Published on: January 13, 2012

The Case for Economics and the Environment

[…] fundamental mismatch, as evidenced by the collapse of Lehman Brothers, has enormous consequences for the rest of us. So what can be done? Perhaps more people should study economics. When people think about economics, Wagner writes, β€œtheir minds turn to business and finance. But economics goes beyond these fields, and the difference between business […]

Published on: January 6, 2012

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

[…] $25 will cover the cost of producing and distributing PERC Reports to one reader for one year; $100 will pay for printing and distributing a PERC Case Study to 100 people; $2,000 will provide a scholarship for a student to participate in PERC’s summer programs; $5,000 will pay for a Lone Mountain Fellowship, which […]

Published on: December 15, 2011

Q&A with Steven Medema on the Coase Theorem and Environmental Economics

[…] The first is that markets/exchange can work to resolve certain social cost issues. The question is which ones, and this can only emerge from careful and patient study. The second is that neither markets nor government are panaceas. Both generate imperfect solutions, and the question is that of which of these imperfect solutions is […]

Published on: December 1, 2011

Thank You

[…] abundance that surrounds us. Whether you are in the top 1 percent of income distribution or the other 99, we are all fortunate to live in aΒ  freeΒ country that gives us opportunity to enhance our wealth and prosperity, that provides us with a multitude of goods from around the world at affordable prices, and […]

Published on: November 23, 2011

Economic Prosperity for North American Indians

[…] tribal rules, Don and I could only hunt on trust lands so we took along an ownership map. Turns out the map was not necessary; we could easily tell the trust land from the private land. With only a fence running between the two, the private lands had crops, grain storage bins, barns, and […]

Published on: November 14, 2011