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Saving African Rhinos: A Market Success Story

[…] in a single reserve in South Africa. By 2010, white rhino numbers had climbed to more than 20,000, making it the most common rhino species on the planet. Saving the white rhino from extinction can be attributed to a change in policy that allowed private ownership of wildlife. Property rights over rhinos changed the […]

Published on: August 19, 2011

Q&A with Matthew Kahn on Climate Change Adaptation

[…] book Climatopolis. Kahn is a 2011 PERCΒ Lone Mountain FellowΒ and co-director of PERC’s recent workshop on climate change adaptation. He blogs at Environmental and Urban Economics. We sat down with Kahn last week for a short video interview on how free markets can help us adapt to climate change. For more PERC Q&As, visit theΒ Q&A archives.

Published on: August 17, 2011

Public-Private partners restore wetland

[…] knew that to keep the family ranch, he needed to chnage his operations. By recognizing the environmental assets on his ranch and forging partnerships with public and private funders he restored a huge wetland that now flourishes with fish, wilflife and plants. By investing in conservation, he has saved his ranch and increased his income.

Published on: August 1, 2011

What If DeChristopher Could Bid?

[…] The incoming Obama administration, far less eager than its predecessor to open sensitive federal lands to drilling, was the crucial element in DeChristopher’s success. The lands could easily be reopened for drilling under future administrations. If monkey-wrench activism relies on fortunate shifts in political control, its long-term effectiveness is limited. Here’s another idea: What […]

Published on: July 28, 2011

Ownership Encourages Stewardship: A Look at Stream Access in the West

[…] it was a natural and publicly accessible stream, their incentive to continue restoration efforts slipped downstream… That’s because ownership encourages stewardship, says Reed Watson, of the Bozeman-based free-market think tank Property and Environment Research Center, or PERC. We tend to take better care of our own cars than we might of rentals, he adds, […]

Published on: July 27, 2011

Don’t Buy ‘More People, More Problems’

[…] they can lead to costly and restrictive government regulations and media biases. Harte and Ehrlich, for example, think the government should have a greater role in family planning and that we should β€œdemand that media start educating the public every day on the role played by the unsustainable human numbers behind environmental degradation and […]

Published on: July 24, 2011

A Montana State of Mind

[…] made a donation to the Coral Restoration Foundation so that a coral named β€œPEI 2011” could be placed into a nursery in the Florida Keys and eventually planted out on the reef to help seed other corals in Florida. While some of the relationships and memories will inevitably fade as the weeks, months, and […]

Published on: July 15, 2011