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Private Land Conservation

The eight articles and three commentaries that make up the Private Land Conservation volume of the Natural Resources Journal all share a perspective based on free market environmentalism. PERC pioneered the approach, which is based on the idea that good resource stewardship doesn’t depend on the command-and-control mechanisms of mandatory government regulation. These articles explore various aspects of a more voluntary stewardship, one based on mutuality and reciprocity. In this issue, you will recognize some familiar Journal topics. We’ve looked before at private property solutions to public environmental problems. you will find here an illuminating article on New Mexico’s own Valles Caldera Trust, neither the first nor surely last Journal article dealing with the innovative meld of public and private ownership at that recently purchased federal site.

Articles and Comments Compiled by the Property and Environment Research Center.

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Written By
  • Dominic Parker
    Dominic Parker
    • Senior Fellow

    Dominic (Nick) Parker, is a PERC senior fellow as well as director of PERC’s summer fellowship program. Nick is also a professor of applied economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he serves in editorial roles for three leading academic journals in environmental and resource economics.

  • Terry Anderson

    Terry L. Anderson is the former president and executive director of PERC, and the John and Jean De Nault Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

  • Roger Meiners
    • Senior Fellow

    Roger Meiners is Goolsby Distinguished Professor of Economics and Law at the University of Texas at Arlington and a senior fellow at PERC.

  • David Haddock
    • Senior Fellow Emeritus
  • Bruce Yandle
    • Senior Fellow Emeritus
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