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About PERC

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Our Focus

We’re focused on making bold progress across five key areas:

Healthy Public and Private Lands

Fostering holistic conservation practices across public and private lands can have a broader and more lasting impact.

Two persons riding horses and driving cattle in the Western United States.
Close up of bear

Innovation in Wildlife Management

We can conserve wildlife by developing and supporting market-based strategies and policy reforms that protect critical wildlife corridors and promote species as assets instead of liabilities.

Fix America’s Forests

By reducing existing regulatory hurdles, finding more creative funding approaches, and increasing the pace and scale of forest restoration, we can fix America’s forests.

Aerial view of evergreen forest.
Yellowstone visitors

Sustainable Public Lands and Outdoor Recreation

We can improve public land management by empowering national park superintendents and other public land managers with greater flexibility to spend revenues as they see fit, as well as ensure more sustainable funding through user-based funding mechanisms.

Water Conservation Innovation

By expanding the use of water markets, we can allow competing users to cooperate rather than fight, encourage conservation, and help alleviate the economic and environmental effects of water scarcity now and in the future.

Colorado River