From Range to Ranch
Assessing the Bureau of Land Management’s wild horse and burro adoption incentive program
Tapping Water Markets in Florida
Co-published by PERC and the James Madison Institute, this report explains how water markets can help resolve Florida’s most pressing water issues.
Groundwater Conservation Easements
Evaluating an Innovative New Tool for Aquifer Sustainability
How Overseas Visitors Can Help Steward Our National Parks
Many parks around the world charge international tourists more than residents. Doing the same here could help fund critical maintenance and conservation needs
A Field Guide for Wildlife Recovery
The Endangered Species Act’s Elusive Search to Recover Species—and What to Do About It.
Missing the Mark
How the Endangered Species Act Falls Short of Its Own Recovery Goals
How States Shape Wildlife Conservation on Private Lands
As “laboratories of democracy,” states can learn from one another’s successes and challenges, ultimately driving innovation and improvement in wildlife conservation.
Arizona Water Reform
The recommendations outlined in this report can improve Arizona’s water policy to help the state continue to thrive amid its drier future.
Burn Back Better
Expanding the use of prescribed fire on state, private, and tribal land would have significant benefits for forest resilience, community protection, and environmental conservation.