Conservation Innovation Lab
Saving the West, one market at a time.
PERC develops and prototypes groundbreaking models to address key conservation challenges.
Elk Occupancy Agreements
Flexible conservation tools that pay rent for elk
Voluntary, short-term habitat leases are improving elk tolerance while conserving habitat on private land.
Explore Elk Occupancy Agreements
Brucellosis Compensation Fund
A market solution for conserving elk and open space
What if the people who love elk could support the people who sustain them?
Explore the Brucellosis Compensation Fund
Grizzly Conflict Reduction Grazing Agreement
Supporting ranchers’ innovation to reduce conflict with at-risk wildlife
A private, market-based approach to conservation on public grazing lands.
Explore the Grizzly Agreement
“Elk Rent” Payment-for-Presence Program
New partnership harnesses artificial intelligence and a unique payment model
The pilot program is designed to test the payment-for-presence system as well as the efficiency of artificial intelligence game cameras.
Explore the “Elk Rent” Program
Crazy Mountain Virtual Fence Project
Pioneering ranching technology will improve wildlife habitat by enabling the removal of miles of internal barbed wire fence
The private agreement creates benefits for ranchers and conservation.
Explore the virtual fence project
East Yellowstone Brucellosis Compensation Fund
New fund helps reduce disease risk and increase tolerance for wildlife
The fund is an innovative new tool that helps ranchers in Wyoming’s Park County whose land serves as vital elk habitat.
Paradise Valley Fence Fund
Expanding wildlife-friendly fencing
Supporting ranchers and wildlife outside of Yellowstone National Park
Explore Paradise Valley Fence Fund
Colorado Elk Migration Agreement
An innovative payment program helps conserve elk and working lands
Colorado’s first Elk Migration Agreement compensates ranchers for protecting vital habitat for migratory elk herds while maintaining agricultural operations.
Explore the Colorado Elk Migration Agreement
Support the future of conservation
From wildlife migration to habitat restoration, PERC’s Conservation Innovation Lab acts as a “proof of concept” for innovative new market-based conservation solutions. Support us today and unleash innovation into the wild.