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New Director of Development joins PERC

PERC is not only celebrating its 30th anniversary in June, but also the arrival of Pete Geddes. We are pleased to announce the addition of Pete to the staff as Director of Development. Well known in the Bozeman area because of his long-time involvement in numerous professional and community organizations, Pete comes to PERC after 15 years in the think tank and environmental policy world. He has also been a middle school science teacher and a member of the senior faculty at the National Outdoor Leadership School. He and his wife Julie live in Bozeman, Montana, with their three boys Chris, Ryan, and David.

A native of New York State, Pete received his bachelor of science from St. Lawrence University. He received his master of science from the University of Montana School of Forestry. He is co-editor with John Baden of Saving a Place: Endangered Species in the 21st Century. He writes frequent opinion editorials for the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. His writings have also appeared in the Journal of Forestry, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, The Wall Street Journal, The Seattle Times, and on the Internet at the National Center for Policy Analysis, Policy Digest, Tech Central Station, the Commons, the New West, and A Better World.

Pete will officially join the PERC team on June 22 and will hit the ground running. As Director of Development, Pete will develop and implement strategies to increase financial support from private sources, help form new programs, and represent PERC at special events. Please feel free to come by the PERC office and help us welcome Pete!


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