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PERC’s Top Ten Media Hits in 2014

As the sun sets on 2014, we’ve assembled our ten favorite media appearances from this past year.

Thanks to friends like you, the ideas of free market environmentalism are reaching an increasingly broad audience. With your continued support, we plan to make even greater strides in 2015. There’s still time to donate before the year ends.

Here’s to a happy new year!

PERC’s Top Ten Popular Media Appearances of 2014

January 7: Reason
Lights Out for America’s Favorite Light Bulb
by Shawn Regan
The incandescent light bulb ban is crony capitalism in a green disguise.

February 21: National Review
Can Congress Learn to Fish?

by Jonathan Adler
A greater reliance on private-property rights can prevent overfishing and ensure sustainability.

March 13: Forbes
5 Ways the Government Keeps Native Americans in Poverty
by Shawn Regan
Give tribes the dignity they deserve to unleash the wealth of Indian nations.

April 22: Wall Street Journal
A Peaceable Solution to the Range War over Grazing Rights
by Shawn Regan
Federal land policy needs to evolve to encourage cooperation instead of conflict.

May 14: Wall Street Journal
Stopping Keystone Ensures More Railroad Tank-Car Spills
by Terry Anderson
Pipeline spills are much rarer and more easily contained than tank-car derailments.

June 19: Wall Street Journal
Fighting Western Fires with Economics
by Terry Anderson and Daniel Botkin
With good science and the right incentives, we can manage forests better.

June 23: New York Times
Harness Property Rights to Protect Beaches
by Reed Watson
Respecting property rights means better beach experiences and long-term beach conservation.

August 28: Stossel
The Green Monster: The EPA Gone Wild
featuring Terry Anderson and Jonathan Adler
Long before the EPA was a glint in anyone’s eye, property rights were dealing with pollution issues.

October 24: Wall Street Journal
The West Needs a Water Market to Fight Drought
by Gary Libecap and Robert Glennon
A policy overhaul would allow efficient water markets and reward conservation.

November 18: Land of No Use
Land of No Use: A Montana Wilderness Ski Project
featuring Holly Fretwell and Shawn Regan                        
New ski film takes viewers into the backcountry to explore Montana’s wilderness debate.

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