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2016 Storytellers in Residence

Caleb Brown
As an E.L. Wiegand Storyteller in Residence, journalist and multimedia producer Caleb Brown produced a PERC Podcast series on wildfire:

He also featured PERC research and visiting fellows on his series, the Cato Daily Podcast:

  • Holly Fretwell explores how the Equal Access to Justice Act impacts public land managers.
  • Matt Kahn offers examples of market adaptation to climate change.
  • Tate Watkins discusses the history of Haitian coffee and how foreign aid impacts subsistence-level farming.

Stay tuned for more great content from Caleb Brown.

Ethan Turpin
As an E.L. Wiegand Storyteller in Residence, installation artist Ethan Turpin and his collaborative partner Jonathan PJ Smith produced a site-specific video art installation that allowed visitors to walk into wildfire and visually experience the rapid movement of wildfire across different landscapes. Dedicated to helping people understand complex ecosystems and environmental issues, Ethan and Jonathan reminded us that “it’s okay to say that fire is beautiful.”

Learn more about the work of Ethan Turpin and Jonathan PJ Smith.

Walk into Wildfire with Ethan and Jonathan.

Joe Veltkamp
Seattle artist and illustrator Joe Veltkamp is currently in residence, helping PERC’s outreach team tell stories of enviropreneurs who turn conflict into cooperation. We look forward to sharing his illustrations of market approaches to environmental challenges. Meanwhile, you can learn more about his work here.

Tate Watkins
As an E.L Wiegand Storyteller in Residence, economics journalist Tate Watkins conducted two writing workshops for the PERC team and other members of Bozeman’s conservation community:

  • op-eds and the mechanics of writing
  • economic storytelling

Tate taught us so much we decided to hire him as a research and publications fellow.

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