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Lynne Kiesling

Lynne Kiesling is the Co-Director of the Institute for Regulatory Law and Economics (IRLE), in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Melon University. She previously served as a visiting Associate Professor and Associate Director at Purdue University Research Center in Economics at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. Lynne was a 2017 PERC Lone Mountain Fellow. Kiesling’s research examines the interaction of market design and innovation in the development of retail markets, products, and services, and the economics of smart grid technologies in the electricity industry. Lynn has  served as a peer reviewer for the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation, and for academic journals including Energy Journal, Public Choice, Review of Economics and Statistics, and Energy Policy. She writes about economics as the editor/owner at the website Knowledge Problem. Her  teaching includes energy and environmental economics, antitrust and regulation, history of economic thought, European economic history, and principles of microeconomics.  She has a B.S. in Economics from Miami University and a Ph.D. in Economics from Northwestern University.  Lynn is also an emerita member of the GridWise Architecture Council, a group of 13 experts volunteering their time to articulate the guiding principles for an intelligent, transactive, energy system of the future, and to guide and promote measures to transform the nation’s electricity system into a more reliable, affordable, secure network in which users collaborate with suppliers in an information- and value-rich market environment.