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Class of 2001: Where are they now?

John Charles Cascade Policy Institute In 2004, John Charles became the president of Cascade Policy Institute—an Oregon-based think tank working for state-level reform in areas such as land-use regulation, energy, and taxation. John speaks and writes frequently about free market environmentalism. Currently, he is working on a series of case studies on Portland’s transit-oriented developments.Continue reading “Class of 2001: Where are they now?”

More of the same for the great outdoors

  by Laura E. Huggins Earlier this week, the Obama administration released its much-anticipated report on the America’s Great Outdoors initiative. The report is the culmination of 51 listening sessions held over the past year by administration officials to gather ideas on land management and outdoor recreation from across the country.   The result, however,Continue reading “More of the same for the great outdoors”

The Blame Game, Continued

Which of the following is not caused by climate change? Rising sea level, drought, less fog, reduced plant growth, warming temperatures, increased rainfall, glacial reduction, heavy snowfall, habitat loss, increased rainfall, increased heat-caused deaths, reduced cold-caused deaths, improved plant growth, higher priced beer or, as somebody actually believes, the death of Loch Ness? Nowadays, every illContinue reading “The Blame Game, Continued”