In the lush highlands of eastern Uganda, mud is a valuable commodity— so long as it is “quality” mud.
Author Archives: admin
The Conservation Road Less Traveled
How a fence and an off-road race are creating a new conservation paradigm in Kenya
Crops Minus Sun and Soil
Where new methods of agricultural production are increasingly sought-after, Verdant Earth Technologies is developing agricultural systems to address future challenges and to provide a growing population with fresh produce.
Un-American Reservations
Until American Indians living on Reservations have secure property rights and a stable rule of law, they will remain isloated on islands of poverty in a sea of prosperity.
Barbed wire entrepreneurship
Economist, n. a scoundrel whose faulty vision sees things as they really are, not as they ought to be. —after Ambrose Bierce Joseph Glidden transformed the American Plains. In 1874, Glidden patented the first practical design for barbed wire. The invention dramatically reduced the costs of separating cattle from crops and thus the costs ofContinue reading “Barbed wire entrepreneurship”
Thinking beyond open space
Productive farm land near large urban centers is being protected as conservation easements include farming as a stipulation of the tax-reducing easements.
10 Years Of Enviropreneurs
A look back on the PERC Enviropreneur Institute from the retiring director
A new day for regulations?
by Shawn Regan “While Obama calls for a review and rollback of inefficient regulations, the fact remains that his administration has a record number of new major rules — with an economic impact of more than $100 million — in the pipeline, waiting to become final. This follows a sharp increase in pages of FederalContinue reading “A new day for regulations?”
More of the same for the great outdoors
by Laura E. Huggins Earlier this week, the Obama administration released its much-anticipated report on the America’s Great Outdoors initiative. The report is the culmination of 51 listening sessions held over the past year by administration officials to gather ideas on land management and outdoor recreation from across the country. The result, however,Continue reading “More of the same for the great outdoors”
The Blame Game, Continued
Which of the following is not caused by climate change? Rising sea level, drought, less fog, reduced plant growth, warming temperatures, increased rainfall, glacial reduction, heavy snowfall, habitat loss, increased rainfall, increased heat-caused deaths, reduced cold-caused deaths, improved plant growth, higher priced beer or, as somebody actually believes, the death of Loch Ness? Nowadays, every illContinue reading “The Blame Game, Continued”