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A Break with the Past

by Jane S. Shaw The Boston Globe reports that New Urbanism is being challenged by “landscape urbanism,” an approach to planning that is comfortable with people living in “spacious suburbs.”  The conflict pits Andres Duany,  designer of  nostalgic “cityscapes”–towns with a “compact grid of narrow, tree-lined streets laid out around a walkable downtown with storesContinue reading “A Break with the Past”

PERC Links

by Shawn Regan 1. Interactive data on water use by sector and over time. 2. Bruce Yandle says government can’t just plant jobs. They need the right climate to grow. (working paper here) 3. Holly Fretwell in the National Review: “It’s going to end up in a catastrophic wildfire.” (sub req) 4. David Harsanyi, formerContinue reading “PERC Links”

Enviropreneur Using Incentives for Conservation

by Shawn Regan Todd Gartner, a 2007 Enviropreneur Institute alum, describes how economic incentives can be used to connect U.S. forests, water, and communities in an essay at the World Resources Institute. Todd discusses his work with WRI on two pilot projects that are connecting the buyers of ecosystem services with the sellers of the services.Continue reading “Enviropreneur Using Incentives for Conservation”

Why So Bad at Science?

by Jane S. Shaw The New York Times reports that U. S. high school students are sadly lacking in their understanding of science. Could that be because they have spent their school days studying how to recycle, why we need wind energy, and one-sided views about global warming?