China’s growing wealth and economic power means it also vested in seeing the US propser as it holds a huge amount of US debt and remains an important trading partner.
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China’s growing wealth and economic power
Catch Shares Around the World
The Environmental Defense Fund has published a map of all catch share programs around the world. According to the infographic (click to enlarge), as of 2010 there were 275 catch share programs in effect worldwide, affecting 850 different species. New Zealand and Australia lead the world in rights-based fisheries, with 117 and 111 species underContinue reading “Catch Shares Around the World”
Water Isn’t Always for Fightin’
by Reed Watson Mark Twain supposedly quipped that “Whisky is for drinkin’ and water is for fightin’.” Given the recent water wars in the U.S., Twain’s statement appears to be timeless. But a new essay from PERC’s Terry Anderson and Gary Libecap suggests that water use does not always have to result in fightin’ ifContinue reading “Water Isn’t Always for Fightin’”
Market Solution for our Water Wars
Where water markets are being allowed to work, prices reflect scarcity and trades provide incentives to conserve.
Excellent Summary of Coase and the Environment
by Pete Geddes Don Boudreaux provides an excellent summary of Ronald Coase’s work and its implications for the environment in today’s Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Here’s a preview: Coase’s insight shows that many disputes over competing uses of the environment can be solved privately without heavy-handed government bureaucracy. If private property rights are clearly specified, parties willContinue reading “Excellent Summary of Coase and the Environment”
Using economic incentives to connect U.S. forests, water, and communities
Todd Gartner, a 2007 Enviropreneur Institute alum, describes how economic incentives can be used to connect forests, water, and communities. Working with the World Resources Institute he discusses his work on two pilot projects that are connecting the buyers of ecosystem services with the sellers of the services.
Environmental Trends in Air Quality, Pre-1970
by Shawn Regan The Pacific Research Institute has launched Environmental Trends, a website for the “unconventional environmentalist.” The site is full of useful facts, articles, and charts, including regular contributions from PERC research fellow Holly Fretwell and board member Steven Hayward. Here’s an excerpt from Hayward on trends in air quality: Most reports on airContinue reading “Environmental Trends in Air Quality, Pre-1970”
How Do Bootleggers and Baptists Come Together?
by Bruce Yandle In the latest Independent Review, PERC fellow Randy Simmons and coauthors Ryan Yonk and Diana Thomas have made a significant and useful contribution to the evolving Bootleggers & Baptists theory of government regulation and action. According to Google Scholar, there have been more than 3,000 references to the theory since it saw theContinue reading “How Do Bootleggers and Baptists Come Together?”
The Blame Game–EPA or Congress?
by Laura Huggins A recent editorial in the New York Times points out that Republicans in the next Congress are set on limiting the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority under the Clean Air Act to regulate a wide range of air pollutants and urges the White House to support the EPA. But as Henry Miller writes inContinue reading “The Blame Game–EPA or Congress?”
Climate Armageddon?
By Laura Huggins Some climate scientists and environmental activists might have you thinking we are living in the Time of the End. But be leery of false prophecies. Fox News explores the track record of those most worried about global warming in Eight Botched Environmental Forecasts? Here is number 7, which New Scientist magazine wroteContinue reading “Climate Armageddon?”