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Excellent Summary of Coase and the Environment

by Pete Geddes Don Boudreaux provides an excellent summary of Ronald Coase’s work and its implications for the environment in today’s Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Here’s a preview: Coase’s insight shows that many disputes over competing uses of the environment can be solved privately without heavy-handed government bureaucracy. If private property rights are clearly specified, parties willContinue reading “Excellent Summary of Coase and the Environment”

Environmental Trends in Air Quality, Pre-1970

by Shawn Regan The Pacific Research Institute has launched Environmental Trends, a website for the “unconventional environmentalist.” The site is full of useful facts, articles, and charts, including regular contributions from PERC research fellow Holly Fretwell and board member Steven Hayward. Here’s an excerpt from Hayward on trends in air quality: Most reports on airContinue reading “Environmental Trends in Air Quality, Pre-1970”

How Do Bootleggers and Baptists Come Together?

by Bruce Yandle In the latest Independent Review, PERC fellow Randy Simmons and coauthors Ryan Yonk and Diana Thomas have made a significant and useful contribution to the evolving Bootleggers & Baptists theory of government regulation and action. According to Google Scholar, there have been more than 3,000 references to the theory since it saw theContinue reading “How Do Bootleggers and Baptists Come Together?”