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Mixing Oil and Birds

by Laura Huggins Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and, as has often been the case throughout its history, it has stirred up political conflicts over its use. There are the usual loud claims about what should be done with ANWR. Drilling proponents call for enhanced energy security, environmentalists appeal for ecological integrity,Continue reading “Mixing Oil and Birds”

Can the Government Take a Mulligan on Ethanol?

by Shawn Regan Ethanol is back in the news, but as Politico reports, there are contradictions within the government on the fuel source’s viability: Energy Secretary Steven Chu on Monday said that the future of transportation fuels shouldn’t involve ethanol, the gasoline additive that historically has received billions of dollars in federal subsidies. “Ethanol is notContinue reading “Can the Government Take a Mulligan on Ethanol?”

A visual representation of human progress over the last two hundred years

by Pete Geddes Check this out, from the always helpful Hans Rosling. By most measures, this appears to be a very good time to be alive. What about trends in the U.S.? Is our modern, industrialized lifestyle killing both us and the environment? Here’s some data. For all races and both sexes combined, long-term trends inContinue reading “A visual representation of human progress over the last two hundred years”

Will regulation guarantee safe food?

  By Paul Schwennesen We all want safe food.  Question is, how do we get it?  “There oughta be a law,” seems to be the generally conceived approach, as evidenced by recent passage of the now-famous food safety bill.  A tidy and altogether comforting solution:  simply slay the beast of dangerous food with the bludgeonContinue reading “Will regulation guarantee safe food?”

How Government Perpetuates Native American Poverty

Last week, PERC was featured on the Fox Business Channel’s Stossel program for a Thanksgiving special giving thanks to property rights. Executive director Terry Anderson joined Manny Jules, former chief of the Kamloops Indian Band, to discuss how property ownership benefits Native Americans. Watch the video interview from Fox here. American Indian tribes are the singleContinue reading “How Government Perpetuates Native American Poverty”

Is FME Taking Root?

by Reed Watson This report by the World Resources Institute begins as most environmental reports do: with alarming news of man-made environmental destruction and a dire prognosis for maintaining the status quo. The focus of this particular report is deforestation in the South and the critical importance of protecting “Intact Forest Landscapes” from suburban development.Continue reading “Is FME Taking Root?”

And Environmental Justice for All

by Shawn Regan The Washington Post reports this week that the EPA is ramping up its efforts to address environmental justice—a concern that director Lisa Jackson calls “the biggest chunk of unfinished business when you think of the environmental landscape.” As the WaPo writes, the EPA has “forced emitters, including container-glass plants, cement plants andContinue reading “And Environmental Justice for All”