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Crosses, Stars, Moons, and Green Street-Side Bins

What do these four symbols have in common? Well, to start with they all cost resources, that is, they are not free. Why in the heck then do practitioners waste their money on them? Why do churches have steeples, and synagogues wonderfully ornate glass windows, and mosques, exquisite wool carpets? Surely the money spent onContinue reading “Crosses, Stars, Moons, and Green Street-Side Bins”

Environmental Justice or Gentrification?

by Shawn Regan This week, EPA director Lisa Jackson announced new plans for her agency to incorporate environmental justice into its decision making processes. Outlined in a guidance document released this week, the EPA will begin considering the disproportionate impact pollution has on low-income and minority communities when drafting new rules. Several factors have led toContinue reading “Environmental Justice or Gentrification?”

Welcome to the PERColator

The PERColator is a collaborative blog from the Property & Environment Research Center (PERC) – the center for free market environmentalism.  It is dedicated to exploring the notion that environmental quality is best defended by property rights and free markets. PERC espouses the conservation legacy of Aldo Leopold, who wrote that “conservation will ultimately boil down toContinue reading “Welcome to the PERColator”