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Earth Day: 40 years of imminent catastrophe

By Laura E. Huggins On this 40th anniversary of Earth Day, prepare to be bombarded with apocalyptic tales of disaster. But don’t let the gloom-and-doom-fest get you down. Odds are the doomsters will be wrong. To help "celebrate" the first Earth Day in 1970, biologist Barry Commoner wrote, "We are in an environmental crisis whichContinue reading “Earth Day: 40 years of imminent catastrophe”

Enviropreneur Institute 2010

Agenda       Readings        Faculty PERC’s 10th Enviropreneur Institute begins June 27, 2010. From among the many qualified applicants, the faculty has selected 16 participants for this year’s program. Their information and CVs are available to view as well as those of faculty members and mentors, who are past participants in the institute. The readings are password protected; onlyContinue reading “Enviropreneur Institute 2010”

Terry Anderson on Fox News

Terry Anderson took on the Department of Interior during a Fox News segement called "Cabinet Wrecking Ball." Appearng Friday, March 19 on Scoreboard with David Asman, Terry says that the Department of Interior holds billions of dollars in assets in our national parks and vast public lands,  yet it loses billions of dollars every yearContinue reading “Terry Anderson on Fox News”