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The Demand for Environmental Quality: An Application of Hedonic Pricing in Golf

By Frank F. Limehouse,Peter C. Melvin,andRobert E. McCormick The analysis uses an exhaustive golf course database that contains over 100 golf course variables on more than 15,000 golf courses in the United States combined with data from the Audubon International Cooperative Sanctuary Program to examine the market setting of environmental certification on golf courses. UsingContinue reading “The Demand for Environmental Quality: An Application of Hedonic Pricing in Golf”

Milton Friedman Legacy for Freedom Day

Read more about Milton Friedman The economic turmoil of today provides an appropriate time to pause and remember the many accomplishments of Milton Friedman. Friedman may have passed away in November of 2006, but his tremendous accomplishments – and our debt to him – must not be forgotten. To help us all remember Dr. Friedman’sContinue reading “Milton Friedman Legacy for Freedom Day”

Enviropreneur Institute 2009

. Idea incubator There was no lack of breadth or scope to the projects proposed at the 2009 Enviropreneur Institute. From grazing reforms leading to landscape scale soil conservation to hydropower generated by conserved irrigation water, the projects ranged from the Patagonia steppe to Oregon rivers and Indonesian forests. PERC will be following the progressContinue reading “Enviropreneur Institute 2009”

The Cuyahoga River Fire 40 Years Later

In the forty years that have passed since oily debris on the banks of the Cuyahoga River caught fire, the river has been transformed from a sewer of industrial waste to habitat for fish, bird , beaver, and other wildlife. The burning river became a symbol to a new and growing environmental movement in the 1970s,Continue reading “The Cuyahoga River Fire 40 Years Later”

Enviropreneur-in Residence: Tom Iseman

By Tom Iseman The Washington Post, Business Week, and other high-profile publications have recently asked the question, “is water the new oil?” Well, let’s hope we never see freshwater at $140 a barrel . But in the arid West, explosive population growth and scarce water supplies suggest the emerging tensions over water allocation. Throw in theContinue reading “Enviropreneur-in Residence: Tom Iseman”