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Firefighting costs escalate

Salt Lake Tribune March 1, 2008 By Alison Berry Just before dawn last week, a red ball of fire streaked across Northwestern skies and exploded midair. The spectacular meteor sent residents in several states running for their phones to report possible forest fires. Although the land is still blanketed in snow with temperatures below freezing,Continue reading “Firefighting costs escalate”

Should water be privatized? Yes

Global Researcher February 2008 By Terry L. Anderson "No one washes a rental car" is a truism that suggests that ownership is crucial to stewardship. We also might say, "No one conserves water" for the same reason–too often it’s not clear who benefits from conserving water because it is unclear who owns the water. AsContinue reading “Should water be privatized? Yes”


ECONOMIST, n. a scoundrel whose faulty vision sees things as they really are, not as they ought to be.—after Ambrose Bierce Dams are often touted as engines of economic development, able to markedly reduce poverty. Irrigation made possible by dams, for example, is said to increase agricultural productivity and thus per capita income. But itContinue reading “Dams:”


PERC Reports offers optimism and encouragement to climate change doomsayers. PERC advocates free market solutions for environmental problems, finding solutions where others find only frustration. The current issue (Fall 2007) uncovers a reason for faith in capitalism, the system that PERC fellow Brian Yablonski argues has fostered the reemergence of the American bison through ranchingContinue reading “Opinions”