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In the spirit of the political season Impressions highlights aspects of the environmental records of the two candidates from each major Party who have the most delegates at press time. PERC is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) and does not take a position on any candidate.

Firefighting costs escalate

Salt Lake Tribune March 1, 2008 By Alison Berry Just before dawn last week, a red ball of fire streaked across Northwestern skies and exploded midair. The spectacular meteor sent residents in several states running for their phones to report possible forest fires. Although the land is still blanketed in snow with temperatures below freezing,Continue reading “Firefighting costs escalate”

Should water be privatized? Yes

Global Researcher February 2008 By Terry L. Anderson "No one washes a rental car" is a truism that suggests that ownership is crucial to stewardship. We also might say, "No one conserves water" for the same reason–too often it’s not clear who benefits from conserving water because it is unclear who owns the water. AsContinue reading “Should water be privatized? Yes”

Simmering Mediterranean keeps it cool

A five-story building in southern Athens is being hailed as possibly the most energy-efficient building in the world. Considering the public’s growing interest in green building, this structure could provide valuable lessons. It combines several types of energy-saving technologies, uses no fossil fuel, and produces zero emissions. In addition, it meets 95 percent of itsContinue reading “Simmering Mediterranean keeps it cool”