If you have ever purchased an item at Target or Wal-Mart, taken it home, and then literally wrestled it to the floor trying to free it from its packaging, then this bit of news is for you. Reuters reports a growing demand in the United States for smaller and greener packaging. Hopefully, this trend willContinue reading “Less is more when it comes to packaging”
Author Archives: admin
Simmering Mediterranean keeps it cool
A five-story building in southern Athens is being hailed as possibly the most energy-efficient building in the world. Considering the public’s growing interest in green building, this structure could provide valuable lessons. It combines several types of energy-saving technologies, uses no fossil fuel, and produces zero emissions. In addition, it meets 95 percent of itsContinue reading “Simmering Mediterranean keeps it cool”
From Demolition to Deconstruction
Normally, when a home or commercial building needs to be torn down, the owners call in the muscle—heavy equipment such as a trackhoe (backhoe on tracks) for the general bashing, and trucks to carry the debris to the dump. Now there is an alternative—one that could be more cost effective while saving landscaping from beingContinue reading “From Demolition to Deconstruction”
Green Burial: It’s Only Natural
Can one last act really mean something?
Seeing Spots
A jungle story Conjure an image of hunting prowess in dark, steamy jungles and a jaguar might leap into mind. Ancient Mayans, in fact, celebrated him as a deity. Like all large predators, jaguars evoke fear, awe, and respect—sometimes simultaneously. While jungle stories and legends abound, and the magnificent creatures indeed inhabit lush, greenContinue reading “Seeing Spots”
Market-Friendly Environmentalism in Midtown Manhattan
How private management has improved New York City’s Central Park
Water Logged
It is the holy trinity of the new Green Economy–a company which improves the health of the natural ecosystem, makes places safer for people, and at the same time makes a profit. Tritom Logging Inc., of Victoria, British Columbia, is positioning itself to achieve all three. For much of the past century, decisions haveContinue reading “Water Logged”
Those who pay have the say on public lands
Bozeman Chronicle December 3, 2007 By Terry L. Anderson Montanans are upset that 8 million acres of BLM lands rich in wildlife habitat and open for public access could be disturbed by energy development. So far this year, the federal government has held five sales, leasing nearly 640,000 acres of its Montana land for energyContinue reading “Those who pay have the say on public lands”
Tapping Our Ingenuity
News-Tribune November 25, 2007 As water becomes more scarce, we’re going to have to find a way to balance individual rights, market forces By James G. Workman Last January in Davos, Switzerland, the bullish World Economic Forum foresaw “no limits to growth” anywhere, but added a caveat concerning “the one place we don’t allow marketContinue reading “Tapping Our Ingenuity”
EconTalk: The Tragedy of the Commons and Environmental Regulation
PERC Senior Fellow Emeritus Bruce Yandle talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the tragedy of the commons and the various ways that people have avoided the overuse of resources that are held in common.