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Governing U.S. Fisheries with IFQs

A Summary Full Text PDF By Donald R. Leal More than one-fourth of the major U.S. fisheries are either overfished or are being fished unsustainably. Congress is getting ready to reauthorize the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the law governing our nation’s fisheries. Although some provisions are controversial, the authorization of individual fishing quotas (IFQs) is not. IFQsContinue reading “Governing U.S. Fisheries with IFQs”

Selling unused federal land a good idea

Seattle Post-Intelligencer April 11, 2006 By Holly L. Fretwell Guest Columnist Isn’t it great to sell your junk at a yard sale, ridding your home of the stuff that no longer fits your lifestyle but just takes up space? Yard sales illustrate the beauty of markets: Both partners benefit. The buyer gets something new; theContinue reading “Selling unused federal land a good idea”

Four Course Compost

Some of the finest restaurants in San Francisco are serving up delicious Northern California wines and vegetables that were produced with the help of scraps from their customers’ plates. From Scoma’s on Fisherman’s Wharf, reportedly San Francisco’s busiest restaurant, to the Slanted Door in the Ferry Building, an acclaimed Vietnamese eatery, at least 2,000 restaurantsContinue reading “Four Course Compost”