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Four Course Compost

Some of the finest restaurants in San Francisco are serving up delicious Northern California wines and vegetables that were produced with the help of scraps from their customers’ plates. From Scoma’s on Fisherman’s Wharf, reportedly San Francisco’s busiest restaurant, to the Slanted Door in the Ferry Building, an acclaimed Vietnamese eatery, at least 2,000 restaurantsContinue reading “Four Course Compost”

Saving Fisheries with Free Markets

Miliken Institute ReviewFebruary 2006 By Donald R. Leal At long last, Mark Lundsten, captain of the fishing boat Masonic, could relax a little. He had spent hours navigating his vessel through heavy seas to get to the halibut grounds in time for their opening, then pushed himself and his crew hard in an all-out effortContinue reading “Saving Fisheries with Free Markets”

Conservative Conservation:

What’s New at Hoover Hoover Institution January 2006 Can you be a conservative and an environmentalist? How to reconcile the two positions, that some see as conflicted, was the topic of Hoover fellow Terry Anderson’s presentation at a Hoover Institution Breakfast Briefing on January 18. Anderson, the John and Jean DeNault Senior Fellow, is executive directorContinue reading “Conservative Conservation:”