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Old West violence mostly myth

By Peter J. Hill Once again as summer progresses, tourists are trying to recapture the romance of the West. Recalling the violent images fostered by Hollywood, they seek out ghost towns, ride horseback at dude ranches and take part in exciting re-enactments of conflicts among vigilantes, sheriffs, cowboys and Indians. What they don’t realize isContinue reading “Old West violence mostly myth”

Smart Growth?

Rocky Mountain News July 9, 2005 “Smart-growth” policies, which became popular nationwide during the 1990s, are regulations designed to reduce suburban sprawl and control growth. They encourage people to live close together within walking distance of shops and offices. One goal is to reduce the use of the automobile. Another is to create neighborhoods fullContinue reading “Smart Growth?”

Let’s lift the burden

Scottsdale Tribune June 27, 2005 Paying modest fees would enablenational parks to cover costsof protection and upkeep By Holly L. FretwellSpecial to the Tribune Load up the car. Throw in the pillows, the DVD’s, the CD’s, and headphones. The season for cross-country travel is upon us. Carloads by the millions are heading for national parksContinue reading “Let’s lift the burden”