Although the idea has been around for a long while, carpet manufacturers in Dalton, Georgia, the “Carpet Capital of the World,” think they have finally got it right this time. For years, the industry has sought a way to power its carpet and rug factories with the wasted rejects, overruns, and scraps that are anContinue reading “Carpet Scrap Power”
Author Archives: admin
Clean Air, Expensive Houses
The Environmental Protection Agency has been regulating air pollution in the United States for more than thirty years. Thus far, we know remarkably little about what benefits we are getting for the $30-plus billion the nation spends each year on this endeavor. Recent research by Kenneth Chay and Michael Greenstone (2005) has made an importantContinue reading “Clean Air, Expensive Houses”
Bureaucrats and Indians
The New York Times Opinion June 28, 2005 By John Tierney Crow Agency, MT — The Crow Indians rode with Custer at Little Bighorn, but they have since reconsidered. On the anniversary of the battle Saturday, they cheered during a re-enactment when Indians drove a stake through his fringed jacket and carved out the heartContinue reading “Bureaucrats and Indians”
Old West violence mostly myth
By Peter J. Hill Once again as summer progresses, tourists are trying to recapture the romance of the West. Recalling the violent images fostered by Hollywood, they seek out ghost towns, ride horseback at dude ranches and take part in exciting re-enactments of conflicts among vigilantes, sheriffs, cowboys and Indians. What they don’t realize isContinue reading “Old West violence mostly myth”
Smart Growth?
Rocky Mountain News July 9, 2005 By C. Kenneth Orski and Jane S. Shaw "Smart-growth" policies, which became popular nationwide during the 1990s, are regulations designed to reduce suburban sprawl and control growth. They encourage people to live close together within walking distance of shops and offices. One goal is to reduce the use ofContinue reading “Smart Growth?”
Smart Growth?
Rocky Mountain News July 9, 2005 “Smart-growth” policies, which became popular nationwide during the 1990s, are regulations designed to reduce suburban sprawl and control growth. They encourage people to live close together within walking distance of shops and offices. One goal is to reduce the use of the automobile. Another is to create neighborhoods fullContinue reading “Smart Growth?”
Soaring High: New Strategies for Environmental Giving
Donors are seeking fresh approaches to conservation that could prove more effective, efficient, and long lasting.
Let’s lift the burden
Scottsdale Tribune June 27, 2005 Paying modest fees would enablenational parks to cover costsof protection and upkeep By Holly L. FretwellSpecial to the Tribune Load up the car. Throw in the pillows, the DVD’s, the CD’s, and headphones. The season for cross-country travel is upon us. Carloads by the millions are heading for national parksContinue reading “Let’s lift the burden”
The Mild, Mild West
The New York Times Opinion June 25, 2005 By John Tierney Deadwood, S.D. — The actors from HBO’s "Deadwood" are coming to the scene of their crimes today, and they can expect a hero’s welcome when they pose for pictures on Main Street. Some people in the real Deadwood are offended byContinue reading “The Mild, Mild West”
Letters to the Editor
GLOBAL WARMING AND ETHICAL ISSUES There is much to celebrate and a mite to mourn in PERC’s dialogue on whether the victims of global warming are, by free market principles, entitled to compensation (March 2005). That the dialogue took place is the big celebration – a sign that the right is emerging from its longContinue reading “Letters to the Editor”