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Accounting for Species:

By Randy T. Simmons and Kimberly Frost Executive Summary About the Authors Introduction [[{“type”:”media”,”view_mode”:”media_original”,”fid”:”7202″,”attributes”:{“alt”:””,”title”:””,”class”:”media-image”,”typeof”:”foaf:Image”,”style”:”width:180px;height:119px;float:left;margin:0 1em 1em 0;”,”wysiwyg”:1}}]] Without accurate figures for the costs of the Endangered Species Act, the ongoing public debate over whether the law is effective will be a misinformed one. This study, Accounting for Species, contributes to the debate by analyzing theContinue reading “Accounting for Species:”

Overcoming Hurdles to IFQs in U.S. Fisheries

By Donald R. Leal, Michael De Alessi, and Peter M. Emerson For decades, U.S. federal fisheries policy has relied solely on direct regulations to prevent overfishing. Such an approach has not eliminated overfishing, nor has it prevented the enormous waste and hazard of fishing under a destructive race for fish. The good news is thatContinue reading “Overcoming Hurdles to IFQs in U.S. Fisheries”