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Regulating Air Quality through Litigation: The Diesel Engine Episode

RS-02-3:  2002 By Bruce Yandle, Andrew P. Morriss, and Lea-Rachel Kosnik Summary In recent years, a new form of regulation has emerged. Instead of issuing rules to control the behavior of firms and industries, government agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, have been filing lawsuits. Such litigation enables regulatory agencies to make an end-run around congressionalContinue reading “Regulating Air Quality through Litigation: The Diesel Engine Episode”


ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION: A MASSIVE LOSS OF FREEDOM Your symposium on the energy bill, Ã’Why Did the Greens Win?Ó intrigued me, even if it opened with a false premiseÑthat environmentalists won much of what they wanted in the Senate energy bill. While environmentalists did succeed in blocking oil development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, weContinue reading “WHY DID THE GREENS WIN?”