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South Carolina’s Jocassee Gorges –

RS-02-2:  2002 By Jody Lipford, Jerry Slice, and Bruce Yandle About the Authors About PERC Research Studies Executive Summary In 1997, the state of South Carolina acquired from Duke Energy Corporation 33,000 acres of undeveloped land known as the Jocassee Gorges. The $54 million property is part of the Blue Ridge Escarpment in the southern AppalachianContinue reading “South Carolina’s Jocassee Gorges –”

Environmental Counterblaze Distorts a Government Report

July 12, 2002 By Holly Lippke Fretwell BOZEMAN, Mont. – As cool, moist air at last reaches the Rocky Mountain West, some of the largest fires in Colorado and Arizona history are finally fading. Remaining fresh in our minds, however, are the bitter debates over the causes of those fires. By misusing a government report,Continue reading “Environmental Counterblaze Distorts a Government Report”

Golfing Gone Wild

Golf courses, once considered wicked over-watered stews of pesticides, fertilizers, and alien plant life, have gained new luster with the environmental community. As homes and businesses continue to spread across the landscape, golf courses are often providing the open spaces that communities crave. Increasingly, these open spaces are offering up wildflowers, native plants, bluebirds, turtles,Continue reading “Golfing Gone Wild”

Why is the West Always Burning Down?

June 26, 2002 By Linda Platts and Holly Lippke Fretwell BOZEMAN, Mont. – A journalist from an eastern newspaper called our offices in Bozeman, Montana, last week to ask “Why is the West always burning down?” For those of us who live here, it is an exasperating question because we already know the answer. TheContinue reading “Why is the West Always Burning Down?”