Mouthing goals, slowing progress.
Author Archives: admin
Modern Agriculture
Boon or bane for the environment?
Fisheries are Classic Example of the “Tragedy of the Commons”
How fishery management practices have lead to severely depleted fish populations.
Lynn Scarlett Talks with Terry Anderson About FME
Tech Central March 12, 2001 By Lynn Scarlett “Free market environmentalism … can bring the ingenuity of entrepreneurs and individuals to environmental quality,” Terry L. Anderson, author of Free Market Environmentalism, tells TechCentralStation’s New Environmentalism Host Lynn Scarlett. The executive director the Political Economy Research Center and professor of economics at Montana State University saysContinue reading “Lynn Scarlett Talks with Terry Anderson About FME”
Above and Beyond
The state of Oregon has recognized several companies for environmentally superior operations that have exceeded regulatory standards. The companies received “green permits,” which entitle them to special treatment from state regulators. For example, the number of inspections by the state could be reduced, or required reports to the state could be filed in a moreContinue reading “Above and Beyond”
Dot.Com Does Good
Many around Silicon Valley seem to have stock options as their top priority. Not so for Richard Gill and Will Hoover, the cofounders of, who had a slightly different business model in mind. They are raising money for environmental projects throughout the San Francisco Bay area, with a particular focus on the doingsContinue reading “Dot.Com Does Good”
A Place for the Obsolete
Staying one step ahead of the regulators, IBM has created a recycling service for personal computers. The New York-based computer maker took the offensive by establishing the IBM PC Recycling Service. For a fee of $29.99, IBM will accept whatever computer parts you can cram in a box and ship to Envirocycle in Hallstead, Pa.Continue reading “A Place for the Obsolete”
Banking on Streams
When plans for a $243.5 million industrial park in Missouri failed to come together, the developers looked for an alternative way to profit from the site, creating the nation’s first stream mitigation bank.
Sweet Success
The EcoEnterprises Fund has invested $500,000 in a private company that works with small scale cocoa producers in Latin America. ‘By investing in businesses doing the right thing, we can help people make a living, and help protect the world’s great places,’ says Tammy Newmark, president of the fund. The $10 million fund provides ventureContinue reading “Sweet Success”
Every few years the phone rings and a person in distress says, “Wallace, something awful is going to happen.” The caller’s neighbor or someone close by has decided to cut timber. The distress in the caller’s voice verges on panic, as if the house had started to burn. The end is near. And it’sContinue reading “Clear-cut”