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Muck Farm To Eco-Resort

The transition from muck farm to nature-based resort has been a rocky road for Florida’s St. Johns River Water Management District. Despite the rough patches, the resort is in full swing today offering visitors a glimpse of a Florida marsh and its wildlife, while returning profits to the agency. The road to nature tourism beganContinue reading “Muck Farm To Eco-Resort”

Suburban Legends

By Ronald D. Utt Growth-control advocates claim that many federal programs and laws have contributed to sprawl. Their short list includes mortgage insurance programs of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and the Veterans Administration (VA), the deductibility of mortgage interest payments from taxable income, the federal highway program, HUD’s low-income housing programs, federal grants forContinue reading “Suburban Legends”

Good Samaritan Abandoned or Inactive Mine Waste Remediation Act

June 21, 2000 Testimony to the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, and Water By David Gerard PERC Research Associate PERC is the nation’s oldest and largest nonprofit institute dedicated to original research that advocates using market principles to address environmental problems. More than 90 percent of our funding comes from foundations and individual donors. As partContinue reading “Good Samaritan Abandoned or Inactive Mine Waste Remediation Act”

What’s All the Racket Over Airport Noise?

By Daniel K. Benjamin Given the racket that people raise over airport noise, one would think that the social benefits of  regulating airport noise must be great. Pollution comes in many forms. One of the most ubiquitous is noise–from truck and automobile traffic, neighbors’ stereos, barking dogs, and for some people, takeoffs and landings ofContinue reading “What’s All the Racket Over Airport Noise?”