Private solutions can and should be an important part of the effort to manage and conserve our natural resources. Citizens are frustrated with government policies that are costly, compromise private property rights, and still fail to preserve environmental quality. Where government bureaucracy has created roadblocks, individual entrepreneurs have generated innovative approaches to environmental problems.Continue reading “Enviro-Capitalists”
Author Archives: admin
Christine Jurzykowski A love of animals could not keep red ink from spilling across the pages of Christine Jurzykowski’s account books at the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center. Jurzykowski and her partner Jim Jackson had purchased 2,700 acres of rolling Texas hill country with good intentions and hefty bank accounts and made it home to moreContinue reading “Enviro-Capitalists:”
Government Obstacle:
Thwarted By Regulation David Cameron is a third-generation Montana rancher. A lanky, middle-aged man with a genial manner, he raises cattle and sheep. Cameron is also a biologist, recently retired from Montana State University. He and his family have a long tradition of protecting wildlife. Elk, deer, mountain lions, and bears inhabit his ranch.Continue reading “Government Obstacle:”
Nurturing Entrepreneurs:
1. LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THESE PIONEERS. Chances are, the readers of this issue of PERC Reports were unaware of most of the individuals mentioned here until now. Perhaps a few have visited Fossil Rim and some have read in PERC Reports about Orri Vigfœsson’s purchase of salmon fishing rights. But the environmental successes ofContinue reading “Nurturing Entrepreneurs:”
Bootleggers, Baptists, and Global Warming
When it comes to the treaty negotiations over climate change, Baptists are the environmental groups, and bootleggers are the companies, trade associations, and nations that are seeking favors through the global warming negotiations.
Politics-Green But Dirty
Businesses routinely lobby to avoid heavy burdens from government regulations. But some businesses lobby in favor of regulations that give them a market edge. Environmental regulations are riddled with provisions that are less about saving the planet than about helping a particular industry or special interest. The latest example comes from a business group thatContinue reading “Politics-Green But Dirty”
How Markets Save Salmon
I am a native of Iceland, where the entire economy is based on fishing. I have enjoyed fishing for salmon with a fly rod all my life. As a child, I can remember the rivers of Iceland teeming with fish. Today, we still have some of the best sport salmon fishing in the world,Continue reading “How Markets Save Salmon”
Looking Before We Leap
People are knowledgeable about the hazards faced by individuals in their age group. It is widely argued that individuals cannot accurately assess the environmental and workplace risks they face .1 One typical claim is that people poorly assess the hazards of dying: They wildly overestimate the likelihood that they will die of lightning strikes orContinue reading “Looking Before We Leap”
PERC Research Associate Clay Landry Talks About Water Marketing
NWRA (National Water Resources Association): What is PERC’s mission and how are you included in groundwater marketing? LANDRY: We’re a non-profit organization – a think-tank is what some people like to call us– that looks at market solutions to environmental problems. PERC was a pioneer in the approach known as free market environmentalism. This isContinue reading “PERC Research Associate Clay Landry Talks About Water Marketing”
Straw Houses Withstand Huffs And Puffs
The EcoEnterprises Fund offers a new twist on venture capital by targeting environmentally responsible and conservation-minded businesses. The fund will invest an average of $100,000 to $200,000 in small start-up ventures in Latin America and the Caribbean. The fund, also known as Fondo EcoEmpresas, is a joint effort of the Inter-American Development Bank and theContinue reading “Straw Houses Withstand Huffs And Puffs”