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Make Forest Service Pay Its Own Way

Rocky Mountain NewsJune 7, 1998 By Terry L. Anderson The threat of budget cuts for the Forest Service is some of the best fiscal and environmental news yet out of this congress. Angered by years of declining timber sales, Western conservatives are threatening to wield the budget ax. The net result could be a breathContinue reading “Make Forest Service Pay Its Own Way”

Oily Hair

An Alabama hairdresser is making oily hair his specialty. Phillip McCrory has devised a technique to clean up oil spills with hair trimmings. The technique is now being refined at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. The system could eventually mean quicker and less expensive cleanups. McCrory was first inspired while watching coverageContinue reading “Oily Hair”

Getting Around the “Takings” Problem

This year, the ESA is once again on the legislative calendar, and deadlock is likely. But there is a possible solution that would get around the “takings” problem, allow economic growth, and still protect land and species-perhaps more effectively than the current law does. Congress should simply require that, for every new acre of landContinue reading “Getting Around the “Takings” Problem”

Light Truck Lessons

Over the last two decades, Americans’ driving experience has been transformed by the proliferation of light trucks–vans, minivans, pickup trucks, and sport utility vehicles. Recently, news reports have castigated these trucks–which weigh about 1,000 pounds more than cars–as a menace on the nation’s highways, especially in car-truck collisions. What few realize is that, according toContinue reading “Light Truck Lessons”

Solar Power to the Rescue?

  Consider the irony: Many people believe that solar energy, trapped by human-generated greenhouse gases, is responsible for what could be catastrophic future increases in global temperatures. Yet according to recent research, it may be solar energy, harnessed by human-generated photovoltaic technology, which eradicates the problem before it becomes one. In a just-published paper, economistsContinue reading “Solar Power to the Rescue?”