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To Preserve It, Buy It

Tacoma News Tribune August 13, 1998 By Matthew Brown and Jane S. Shaw Chaining yourself to a tree in the forest just doesn’t work any more. Environmentalists who want to save forests have found a less confrontational way to achieve their goals–and a more effective one, too. They reach for their checkbooks. Abandoning court battlesContinue reading “To Preserve It, Buy It”

Make Forest Service Pay Its Own Way

Rocky Mountain NewsJune 7, 1998 By Terry L. Anderson The threat of budget cuts for the Forest Service is some of the best fiscal and environmental news yet out of this congress. Angered by years of declining timber sales, Western conservatives are threatening to wield the budget ax. The net result could be a breathContinue reading “Make Forest Service Pay Its Own Way”

Getting Around the “Takings” Problem

This year, the ESA is once again on the legislative calendar, and deadlock is likely. But there is a possible solution that would get around the “takings” problem, allow economic growth, and still protect land and species-perhaps more effectively than the current law does. Congress should simply require that, for every new acre of landContinue reading “Getting Around the “Takings” Problem”