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The Mining Law of 1872: Is it Worth Saving?

  Q. Why did you write about the Mining Law of 1872? Gerard: The Mining Law was the subject of my doctoral dissertation at the University of Illinois. I was interested in environmental issues, and mining has short and long-term environmental implications. I also think that the Mining Law provides excellent examples of how lawsContinue reading “The Mining Law of 1872: Is it Worth Saving?”

Terry Anderson Explains Free Market Environmentalism

By Candice Jackson Mayhugh Stanford Review   REVIEW: According to the Hoover Institution, your appointment as senior fellow represents the first time that Hoover has directed attention to environmental issues. What do you think about this, and what are some of the projects you are planning to begin when you arrive at Hoover? ANDERSON: IContinue reading “Terry Anderson Explains Free Market Environmentalism”

Common Sense and Common Law for the Environment

By Bruce Yandle People have always faced the challenge of living in a world with incomplete property rights, that part of the world known as “the commons.” The book explains how two approaches have emerged for dealing with the commons: evolved rules based on common sense and common law provide one potential solution to theContinue reading “Common Sense and Common Law for the Environment”


Enviro-Capitalists: Doing Good WhileDoing Well By Terry L. Anderson and Donald R. Leal Enviro-Capitalists persuasively demonstrates why Americans should turn to entrepreneurs in the private sector rather than the federal government to guarantee protection and improvement of environmental quality. This book provides numerous examples of entrepreneurial approaches that emphasize using markets and private property rightsContinue reading “Enviro-Capitalists:”

The Rise of the Enviro-Capitalists

Wall Street JournalAugust 26,1997 By Terry L. Anderson and Donald R. Leal A quiet revolution taking place across the country and around the world is dispelling the myth that environmental quality must emanate from government. A new breed of environmental entrepreneurs, using the tools of capitalism instead of command-and- control tactics, are working to preserveContinue reading “The Rise of the Enviro-Capitalists”

Forest Service Roads Opened for Recreation Would Defray Costs

Sacramento BeeAugust 5, 1997 Forest Service Roads Opened form Recreation Would Defray Costs By Donald R. Leal Not long ago, Congress flirted with the idea of making the timber industry pay for the roads it builds on national forests. The decision ended in a compromise, but the environmentalists and fiscal conservatives pushing for payment willContinue reading “Forest Service Roads Opened for Recreation Would Defray Costs”