Kate Fitzpatrick is a PERC enviropreneur and program manager at the Deschutes River Conservancy developing market-based strategies for water conservation.
Author Archives: admin
Risky Business in Indian Country
Ten years ago, the Hualapai Tribe in Arizona signed an agreement with a developer, David Jin, to build a glass Skywalk out over the Grand Canyon. After it was built, the tribe abruptly abrogated the contract; initially a U.S. District Court judge ruled that the tribe was a sovereign nation and could do so. Western FirstContinue reading “Risky Business in Indian Country”
Changes in the environment, population, and industry have created water scarcity in some areas. Terry L. Anderson the President of The Property and Environment Research Center and Gretchen W. McClain the CEO of Xylem discuss how society can meet these water challenges.
Considering Markets on World Water Day
When the Ancient Mariner observed “water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink” he would have no intention of sharing a freshwater source, had he found one. Indeed, we are awash with water here on the Blue Planet, but only a small fraction is in the location, volume, and quality needed to satisfy our demands.
Ecosystem Services: Water Markets
This podcast provides a quick overview of ecosystem services and the potential for water markets – featuring Director of Applied Programs Reed Watson and PERC Enviropreneur Alum Jamie Workman. https://www.perc.org/sites/default/files/media/Water%20Markets.mp3
Clearing the Roads in Yellowstone
While politicians continue the budget cut stalemate, entrepreneurs are quick to provide goods and services to the public. Covered with a winter’s snow, the roads in Yellowstone National Park are typically plowed beginning in March. This year, the federal budget sequestration has cut park funding and postponed road clearing. Local communities, however, depend on tourismContinue reading “Clearing the Roads in Yellowstone”
Risky business in Indian Country
Tribes that can resist the temptation to extract wealth at the expense of future growth have the best hope of overcoming poverty and becoming truly sovereign.
Promoting cooperation instead of conflict on public lands
As America’s energy production reaches record levels, it’s time for a new system of public land management that promotes cooperation instead of conflict.
Q&A with PERC Enviropreneur Jeremy Gingerich
Jeremy Gingerich, ranch manager of Banded Peak Ranch, discusses his experience at PERC’s Enviropreneur Institute and how creative conservation strategies are protecting open landscapes in the west.
The Politics of “Need”
PERC senior fellow Randy Simmons writing on the sequester as an exercise in the Washington Monument strategy.