It is well past time to hand management of trust assets over to the individuals who own them.
Author Archives: admin
Creating Economic Development on Indian Reservations
The lack of economic development on reservations is a major factor in creating the extreme poverty, unemployment, and the accompanying social issues that Indian nations face.
Stemming New Zealand’s Ocean Conflict
Rugged, enchanting, and powerful coastlines surround New Zealand. The coastlines are powerful not just in wave energy but also as sources of cultural identity, commerce, and conflict.
Bering Strait Furs Go Global
The maritime fur trade of the Bering Strait was one aspect of the European expansion into the most remote regions of Asia and America. But as we have seen, it fit within a vast global exchange network.
HabiHut At Your Doorstep
Living in the Korogocho slum, a small settlement on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya, is not easy. Think crowds, no running water or sanitation, minimal electricity, and widespread crime. Furthermore, property rights are limited, at best, and most goods and income are amassed in the underground marketplace. This Kenyan community resembles many others in the developing world. While developing societies seem toContinue reading “HabiHut At Your Doorstep”
The Locavore’s Dilemma
According to Wikipedia, a locavore is “a person interested in eating food that is locally produced, not moved long distances to market. The locavore movement in the United States and elsewhere was spawned as interest in sustainability and eco-consciousness became more prevalent.”
Enviropreneur Showcase: GreenFaith
This video showcases PERC Enviropreneur Institute alum Fletcher Harper, his organization GreenFaith, and the innovative ways in which religion, ecology, and economics can be combined to forge creative environmental solutions.
Sackett v. EPA and the Due Process Deficit in Environmental Law
Last term, in Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency, a unanimous Supreme Court rejected the EPA’s effort to deny private landowners an opportunity to challenge the agency’s assertion of jurisdiction over their land. The Sacketts wanted to build a home in a subdivision, but the EPA concluded the Sacketts’ land to contain jurisdictional wetlands under the CleanContinue reading “Sackett v. EPA and the Due Process Deficit in Environmental Law”
Enviropreneur Showcase: GreenFaith
In an era of increased environmental degradation and strife, PERC Enviropreneur Institute (PEI) alum Reverend Fletcher Harper and his organization GreenFaith offer a unique look at environmental solutions and activism.
Is Organic Food Healthier or Safer?
A new study fails to find scientific support for claims organic food is healthier or safer than conventional alternatives and everyone acts as if this is a surprise. It shouldn’t be. Scientific research has fairly consistently failed to validate the claimed superiority of organic food, as I’ve noted in prior posts over the past tenContinue reading “Is Organic Food Healthier or Safer?”